30% Of Somali Suffer A Mental Illness



Despite this, few studies on Somali mental health exist, especially coming out of Somalia. The few studies that have been conducted bear grim results; for instance, a situational analysis by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010 estimated that one in every three Somalis suffers from some form of mental illness, thus making Somalia one of the countries with the highest rate of mental illness in low-income countries (6). As such, mental illness is a significant health concern in Somalia, a country that has faced decades of political instability, civil unrest, and extreme violence. The prolonged conflict and violence in Somalia have exposed many people to trauma and stress, which are known risk factors for mental illness. Studies showed high exposure to traumatic events, displacement, and significant rates of mental health disorders


It's time for Somalis to come out and seek help not turn to gang activity, crimes, terrorism, drugs, alcohol, isolation or other forms of public masking.

1 in 3 Somalis are suffering in silence and denial. If you scale that it's 30 in a 100, 300 in a 1000, 30,000 in 100,000, 300,000 in 1 million, 3 million in 10 million. So where ever you see Somalis congregated in groups always assume 30% are mentally unwell.
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You can assume if there is 10,000 members here and lurkers, at least 3000 are suffering a mental illness either diagnosed or undiagnosed(hiding it). It's scary the undiagnosed ones who are so unwell they don't even know their unwell 😂 and you wonder why their joining terrorism or gang activity, their mentally sick and undiagnozed. At least the ones with a diagnosis know their not well unlike the undiagnosed one who is so unwell they are not aware they are unwell.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

Despite this, few studies on Somali mental health exist, especially coming out of Somalia. The few studies that have been conducted bear grim results; for instance, a situational analysis by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010 estimated that one in every three Somalis suffers from some form of mental illness, thus making Somalia one of the countries with the highest rate of mental illness in low-income countries (6). As such, mental illness is a significant health concern in Somalia, a country that has faced decades of political instability, civil unrest, and extreme violence. The prolonged conflict and violence in Somalia have exposed many people to trauma and stress, which are known risk factors for mental illness. Studies showed high exposure to traumatic events, displacement, and significant rates of mental health disorders

This study is useless. Somalis participating in the study will not be truthful. So really we r dealing a Chinese survey. Its a Wrap!

@DojaKhat @NordicSomali
I think it’s higher Wlhi, WHO didn’t check out all Somali regions plus the diaspora. We already have one of the highest if not the highest rate of kids born with mental impairments, on top of that others develop mental illnesses due to trauma and instability etc, not to mention the stigma around being diagnosed with a mental illness so many people don’t try to get help or treatment or even deny their mental illness.