25,000 tons of wheat from Russia has landed in Mogadishu

And then later on we will complain when the farmers of the country end up in idps waiting for their monthly $50 from the UN. Most of this wheat will end up being sold for cheap.

What incentive do farmers have to harvest their crops when these UN and world bank orginasations are inflating the market. They are holding us back.

If we want Somalis to become self sufficient and stop begging, we need to kick these NGO's out of our country . Before these NGO's were in somalia people were surviving through farming, fishing and xoolo dhaqato. If they leave we will continue to survive. WE NEED TO KICK THEM OUT.

Unfortunately Somalia doesn't have the capacity to feed itself. Our agricultural sector has been neglected for decades and needs massive investment in terms of equipment, large scale modern farming methods, fertiliser etc. A lot farmers are small scale and tilling the land by hand.

We then need the infrastructure i.e roads and bridges to bring those foods to market without disruption.. Appropriate storage

We have the land but it requires huge government intervention. The mismatch between what's required and our politicians/officials is :mjcry: