Somalia is not part of the Sahel zone proper. It stops in Eritrea. Somalia's aridity is due to the Ethiopian highlands (leeward side/rainshadow) and winds from arid Arabia.
Monsoons winds and rain from the Indian Ocean help a bit in making Somalia a bit greener.
The main issue is overgrazing from nomads and charcoal harvesting. Not really the Sahara desert.
Somalia is a dirty desert too but the government is not willing and strong enough to help with the iniative. They have commited to join the project too according to some sources. Lakin Djibouti is known to join.
Midakale if Sahara spreads Somalia will be gobelled the winds from Sahara will make Somalia warmer and rape the country even more alhamdullilah African brothers have already started the initiative
@Teeri-Alpha look at the level of thought here from this diaspora generation. Just read the comments carefully and how they can't even see it's not in Somali interest to support the Africans, the more it becomes desert, the more the bantu's get displaced and those lands start to become lands for 'desert people' which is our culture, we will tell our reer miyi 'guura' soo gabsada dhulkasi miyiga, and after 30000 years our ancestors will thank us for our 'land inheritance' to them when they start to ask themselves why they have such large land. May Ethiopia become 'desertified' those midgets will relocate to 'greener' lands since they can only live in those environment and all they're life or cultural skills are based on those environment. May Africa become a NEW ARABIA.
It's due to lack of culture, he only has 'maadi' skills which is secular education, he won't know what is in the interest or strength of his people, he will just join any foreign group, this is what I fear once traditionalism is gone, our strength as a people will be negiotated away. Kulaha lets make Somalia green and join the farmers and then join the upheavel when it becomes a desert. Niyahow @Teeri-Alpha u need experts in culture or u won't succeed with just secular knowledge.
I am looking forward to jubbaland becoming desert, the farmers will leave the nomads will remain. Cut the trees waryaa, push rahanwayn, hawiye, Madow out since they are farmers. Way guurayan markasi, dhulka darod leh oo weli geel dhaqdo. No amount of foreign studies can teach you life skills, u will infact apply wrong solutions since the foreign education is about the person teaching you to support his survival NOT YOURS.
Lets talk about it. Why is the west or china hell bent on 'damaging the environment'? you displace the cultures who cannot 'adjust' to different weather pattern, this means more 'land' for them as you leave and flee as you don't have the life nor cultural skill to cope in the new environment. Somalis do the same thing but at 'smaller' and more 'primitive' scale like chopping trees down to ensure it becomes 'desert' and farming areas lose they're greenery, then they create ridiculous stories of 'invasion' which sheeko carureed, there is no bad blood among africans as they let nature decide who is superior, they work of the weather and who-ever it favors win be it farmers or desert ppl.
The only time africans warred with each other is very recently when world powers were involved like the 15th century onwards before then, this didn't exist at all, they wud rely on weather and weather decided who survived or left. So do not support this iniaitive, please check out climate change to see if it will make the world WARMER and if so, thats deserts that will develop, which is in our interest alhamdulilah dheh, but if it will make it colder, then it's not, since we are not equipped with life skills of 'ice age living'.
Sit with me as you need to know the culture of our people to know they're strengths in survival, when ur nation planning u want to plan for LONG EXISTENCE and your ideas and policies can hurt it and kill them off if u support people just because it's EDUCATION, u need that cultural backdrop knowledge with secular knowledge to ensure you are makin right decisions. Support neo traditionalism i want to start up this party in diaspora among our generation who do not remember a nation state.
We need to suggest to Somali politicians, it is in our interest to 'pollute' the sky, cut the trees of farming cultures. Somalis land stops where the desert ends, the reason is, meelahasi beero bay ahaan jireen iyo dadki laha way guureen ileen ma haystan cilmiga lagu noolan laha desertka, waxay haystan cilmigi lagu noolan laha beeraha iyo webiyada. They do not have the skills to survive in a desert bantu cultures or habesha cultures.
If you want to inherit the continent, u need to ensure your country is not 'climate' friendly, ha support garaynaynin 'cimilada isbadelayso' kooxda aduunka ileen haday isbadesho dan somaliyeed ba ku jira sababto ah meelahasi dadki laha way guurayan anagana reer miyigeena ayaa halkasi aadayo ileen meel kasto oo desert ah, reer miyi waa aada, it's pastoral culture, thank god, it follows where the rains are. We need 'abaar' xun ku dhacdo jubbaoyinka iyo shabellaha, waxay noqonayan sida 'tog' ama 'old river' systems in PL. PL wuxu ahan jirey meel beeralay badan degi jireen soo ma ogid? lakin desert bay isku badeshay akhirki due to climate change, dadki hore ee puntiteska manta lama haayo way guureen adeer. The reason I say this is, the las geel painting is 5000 years old and it was LUSH the northern somalia, PL would've been the same. We are originally puntites well not us but the ppl who lived in these lush lands before we arrived with our nomadic culture seeing FREE LAND.
I can't wait to inherit habesha and kikuyu lands when it is desertified, we must teach our children the ancient people before us who existed there, that's if we make contact, if we don't and the land is deserted, well we can't speak of it's pre-history at all, since we never encountered the local farmers who lived there. It's like sahara u can't speak of the local farmers who once lived in those lush farming and river settlements, they were most likely bantu adeer lakin manta waa 'dad aan jirin' maybe a sub group of bantu, so many sub groups die away untill all disappear if the climate change continues.
The question is does climate change support our cultural strength, if it makes the world a desert, alhamdulilah dheh, you are the only desert culture left, the rest will die out or move to island culture and adopt fishing which is what bantus do when they lose farms, xeebaha bay aadan soo ma arag?
can you blame them, they have no other alternative for fuel, the west like french and English wiped out trees by 1700s and had to import it from north america, imagine if they never discovered north america or latin america,
Brazil is named after a tree found there exported for Europe, hardwood tree, imagine if they never discovered this land, europe would be as bad as we are
Gas has saved the worlds tree from massive destruction, we need governance we need dawlad, we need to explore gas fields,
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