16 year old Somali executes another Somali in public,Sweden

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Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.

Do you agree that criminal immigrants need to be deported mercilessly, on the spot once caught commiting a crime?

By the way, I like your avatar, guy looks like a true Bosniak, my blood and flesh.
Yes they deserve to be deported they need to stop causing trouble wherever they go.

Hazard isn't he handsome?:yloezpe::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: he is Belgian.

The shooter,in the middle

The victim,the far one

This is the state of somalis in Rinkeby,16 year olds blowing peoples brains out inside of restaurants.And this now 17 year old is only going to get 4 years of "teenage therapy" in a facility that would barely qualify as freedom limiting...
Wtf four years for murder why is swedens jail system so weak people get triple that in the uk for drugs .
All degenerates should be itching to move to Sweden . 4 years for murder ?? Kkk if I ever want to kill someone I’m buying two tickets to Sweden
These Somali guys were raised hearing and watching their Somali parents become happy, jubilant and celebrate when their clan or sub-clans kills from other clans or sub-clans they are at war from back home, do you think killing one another will be a big deal for them? Karma.
These Somali guys were raised hearing and watching their Somali parents become happy, jubilant and celebrate when their clan or sub-clans kills from other clans or sub-clans they are at war from back home, do you think killing one another will be a big deal for them? Karma.
True its not that deep
you should see the prisons in Sweden its basically a hotel and they actually have it good there as they take educational/food courses, play games and do sports.
Wtf reer sweden are lucky wallahi the prisons in uk are so dead you shit were you sleep its bullshit you only have 1hr to walk out of your cell the rest of the time you are stuck watching jermey kyle on a 15 inch screen.:mjlol:
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