1000 Arab migrants groped, robbed and beat up women in German city in New Years Eve

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@Kaafiye will you condemn this?

Germany needs to send back the 1 million economic migrants that invaded last year.

These people have no respect for women. They've destroyed their countries and want to destroy the West.

Hundreds of drunk Salafi Arabs attacking females in Cologne in one night
The scale of the attacks on women at the city's central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.

City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it "a completely new dimension of crime". The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.

bilan M

I hates wen they kept say north african! y dont they just leave at arab?!

bilan M

No the news reports were claiming the perpretrators were arab and north african in apprerance, its on the national news over here and literally every channel was saying the same thing. My point is north africans r arabs so why dont they just say arab?! I just hated hearing the african bit.


tfw no habesha gf
@AbdiJohnson she is sort of right though. In Danish media they are sometimes just lazy and simply say Africans and Middle Easterners. This is the Arab's problem, they shouldn't use name of the location. Just say refugees or Arabs. I bet those same North Africans will get pissed if you call them Africans anyway


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
AJ is right though. Arabs are a plague. People who see Arabs as their "brothers", are you not tired of defending these people?

bilan M

@AbdiJohnson she is sort of right though. In Danish media they are sometimes just lazy and simply say Africans and Middle Easterners. This is the Arab's problem, they shouldn't use name of the location. Just say refugees or Arabs. I bet those same North Africans will get pissed if you call them Africans anyway

I know they make it sound as if all foreigners r after their women!
Also if there were actual n.africans involved then they probably werent even refugees but youngsters that have grown up there.
@Kaafiye will you condemn this?

Germany needs to send back the 1 million economic migrants that invaded last year.

These people have no respect for women. They've destroyed their countries and want to destroy the West.

Hundreds of drunk Salafi Arabs attacking females in Cologne in one night

Dude, I don't give a f*ck. Deport them all, I don't even understand why the Germans even allow Arabs to settle in their country in such large numbers in the first place.


tfw no habesha gf
I appreciate how the Syrians took in my father's family back when Saddam went nuts on Kuwait, but... This shit makes me even more anti-refugee... I have even read that people from Morocco went to Europe as refugees. Morocco.
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bilan M

@Kaafiye will you condemn this?

Germany needs to send back the 1 million economic migrants that invaded last year.

These people have no respect for women. They've destroyed their countries and want to destroy the West.

Hundreds of drunk Salafi Arabs attacking females in Cologne in one night

Hold on, y r u bring religion ti this?
If shit hits the fan, what will you do? I will be claiming to be an Eritrean Christian.

I will claim Canadian.

Hold on, y r u bring religion ti this?

Abdi Johnson is mentally ill, that's why.

These are a bunch of rowdy, alcoholic young men who don't know how to treat a woman. What does this have to do with religion in any way?

Abdi Johnson is an Islamophobic piece of shit.
Abdi Johnson is mentally ill, that's why.

These are a bunch of rowdy, alcoholic young men who don't know how to treat a woman. What does this have to do with religion in any way?

Abdi Johnson is an Islamophobic piece of shit.

They would kill gays if given the chance and use Sunni hadiths and videos Salafi scholars to provide justification.
so would drunk white christian rednecks, what's your point?

No they wouldn't and if one of them did, the justice system would put them behind bars for life or execute them. Whereas these men would be considered heros in Syria and given hugs and kisses.

Salafis gave each other hugs and kisses when they executed a Alawite man for simply being Alawite. They would react the same with a gay man in Germany
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