10 Year Old White Kid Walks To A Black Ladys House With A Whip LIke Slavery Days !


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Full video is even worse, White kids father pulled a gun and shot the floor when confronted



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Staff Member
Hehe very funny. I love the AA accent on a woman... it's pure comedy.

But what does this have to do with racism? She just has shitty neighbours like every other person does. Why is she making this about race?


I would’ve kicked that little mayo rat in the face. Imagine letting a squirt pull up to your door to harm your child with a whip! Disgusting neighbors I would be very mad props to the parents they dealt with it very well
Hehe very funny. I love the AA accent on a woman... it's pure comedy.

But what does this have to do with racism? She just has shitty neighbours like every other person does. Why is she making this about race?
It is racist
Why is no one asking how this kid in the middle of the suburbs, got his hands on a full length bull whip?


Definitely some freaky stuff going down at home.