‘Teachers had written me off after 2 weeks': The inspirational London doctor who proved everybody wrong


Just say Alhamdulilah and move on warya..... you aren’t the first one :rolleyes: that’s his black part weaning.
You make a good point. Mashallah, but it’s bad if we hype up and celebrate every Somali medschool grad like it’s some rare occurence. There are loads of Somali doctors out there.


A pious muslima.
You make a good point. Mashallah, but it’s bad if we hype up and celebrate every Somali medschool grad like it’s some rare occurence.
Wallahi I don’t mind somali being celebrated for the right reason like him becoming a doctor is really great but I hate self pity.... it shows he didn’t suffer enough in life.
How do you know I didn’t.... I archived greater thing than him ( academically) but you don’t see me moaning online like the clout chaser he is.
Don't lie , we all know you are most likely a nurse's assistant or at most a registered nurse. Leave this Somali man alone and go fantasise about Arabia as you usually do.
I think he's realised the need to be online - reckon he might try an Ali Abdaal and pivot his know how as a doctor to something more lucrative.
Either that or move to the US.
Pay is shit here in the UK


Flying over your heads
No, you aren’t dominant enough


