‘Somali’ murtads aren’t Somali

Are Somali gaals somali?

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The one and only 4head
They're not Somali. They are not even humans. What kind of human rejects the truth they were privileged to be born into? Somalis have privilege and are privileged to be born into Islam and they reject it. That's not A human.

Your logic isn't human.
Off to the Savannah, nigga
What if a random Somali talks to me because he sees I look Somali and he needs directions or something? I am approached or given a head nod alot. What do I tell them?

They're not Somali. They are not even humans. What kind of human rejects the truth they were privileged to be born into? Somalis have privilege and are privileged to be born into Islam and they reject it. That's not A human.
Your just being an extremist now :bell:


They become Ethiopian
‘Somali’ murtards should be referred to as gaal madows.
Somalis are not ethno-religious. One can be a gaal but at the end of the day, he still Somali. Somalinimo, in my opinion, is predominantly defined by genetics (Autosomal results, Y lineages, etc). A Somali could be born on Jupiter but still be Somali.

Anyways, using your logic, could an Oromo now be a Somali, due to him just being a Muslim? :drakewtf:
By your logic a muslim madow is then somali?
Ethnically they're still somali.
Ok smartasses, all Somalis are Muslim but not all Muslims are Somali. Happy now? Therefore, no gaal Somali is Muslim, they’re just madows who speak Somali.
They're not Somali. They are not even humans. What kind of human rejects the truth they were privileged to be born into? Somalis have privilege and are privileged to be born into Islam and they reject it. That's not A human.

Ok smartasses, all Somalis are Muslim but not all Muslims are Somali. Happy now? Therefore, no gaal Somali is Muslim, they’re just madows who speak Somali.
Why u mad?
And like an above poster has said islam isn't an ethnoreligion that is exclusive to somalis like Judaism, therefore if a somali isn't a muslim that doesn't strip them of their ethnicity.
Ofc they might not adhere to cultural somali practises that are intertwined with Islam but they are still ethnically somali.
What youre saying would kind of make sense if islam was the only thing that differentiated us from other horners but there are oromo muslim etc
‘Somali’ murtards should be referred to as gaal madows.

Ok smartasses, all Somalis are Muslim but not all Muslims are Somali. Happy now? Therefore, no gaal Somali is Muslim, they’re just madows who speak Somali.
A Person can be gaal and Somali we historically practiced Sufi islam which includes a lot of pre-Islamic practices. If somali gaal leave the religion they don’t leave the culture. Is our culture just being Muslim this is a retarded mindset.
‘Somali’ murtards should be referred to as gaal madows.

Ok smartasses, all Somalis are Muslim but not all Muslims are Somali. Happy now? Therefore, no gaal Somali is Muslim, they’re just madows who speak Somali.
No, 'Murtad' Somalis are just Murtads. Difference in religious beliefs does not discard one as 'un-Somali'.

Are they Kaafirs? Yes, and Allah (SWT) will deal with them on Judgement day. But they're still ethnically Somali, but not culturally.

Ok, let me now give you an example,

Many Somalis that are born in the diaspora are Muslim, but they are culturally western & progressive, and not at all culturally Somali. Heck, most of them can't even string a sentence of Somali together. Does that now make them not Somali anymore? No, it doesn't. They may be culturally lost, but their heritage and lineage is Somali and will always be.
To be Somali is to be Muslim. Islam is basically what unites as an ethnic group, plus it’s deeply engrained within our culture. A Somali without Islam is just another madow IMO.
Weren’t you one of the people angry that France banned hijabs for under 18s in public places. You expect the west to be tolerant of religions but want complete religious intolerance back home. :heh:
lol they aren't there is a reason they call themselves XSomalis. Their all either gays who's hooyo rejected them or blm xaarlimos who say islam is Arabisation who would wanna claim them uff
would u?