
  1. Q

    why do religious jews and jewish atheist oddly share similar political goals(compared to christians & muslim counterparts)

    I was listening to sam harris talk about the situation in gaza. and his rhetoric is carbon copy of ben shapiro. Israel is full of jewish religious fundematalist how view as their religious goal to remove non jews from "Israel". Yet, sam harris seems to only be concerned by the religous...
  2. SonOfMaverick

    Another Somali Girl Cries For Palestinians
  3. The Somali Caesar

    Normalisation of Israel?

    I always see Somalis on social media like #FreeGaza or #BoycottIsrael but they never hastaging about K5 or NFD or Somalia turmoil etc But if Arabs who are brethens with Palestinians don’t really care,the question I ask is why should we?
  4. Medulla

    A History of The Oromo People

    He tells it how it is anyone else have great content like this feel free to share it below
  5. Faazzla

    US cuts $200M in aid to Palestinians, says there are no refugees, will cut UNRWA funding