Socialism sucks!!

According to these leftist imbeciles, the progress of the American worker was because the politicians told companies to “be nice” to their workers.

Let’s follow that same recipe in Africa!

The fact that this moron thinks his arguments are legitimate is what’s most shocking to me. But hey, it is what it is

No, no, not at all. The rights gained by the American worker were concessions from the upper class. These politicians' hands were forced. If they didn't have pressure applied on them, they never would have signed in labour laws in the first place. And in the end, these concessions only succeeded in taking the load off the American worker's back and placing it on a foreigner's one. That's why your once booming manufacturing industry is dying-- those jobs are being exported to countries with little to no regulation like Bangladesh.

You're right that just signing in labour laws in Bangladesh won't stop child labour. Change doesn't come from the top.
The fact that you go on rants complaining about the US healthcare system and claim it’s a symptom of capitalism....and then go on further rants trashing the Chicago School (of which I’m not a part) shows that you come to make bad-faith arguments.

Have fun with your TheYoungTurks arguments saaxib, you’re spent. Not one original thought in your essay but go on with your delusions
Who are they accountable too? Their customers of course. You think corporations just have some enduring power that protects them from future bankruptcy? A huge chunk of the Fortune 500 companies in the 1980s don’t even exist today, or they’re a small shadow of their former self.

If your solutions are so brilliant, then maybe we should implement this Socialist stuff in Bangladesh. Give them weekends off with an 8 hour work day, maternity leave and other benefits. You’d have to be a fucking idiot to think that we received these benefits just because someone legislated it.

You can’t legislate prosperity. The reason why Americans could afford to take weekends off is because of the massive increase in productivity due to private markets. Each worker became more efficient and thus could produce more, so his children didn’t have to work. Child labour didn’t just go away because some fucking politician wrote a law. People write laws all the time, it doesn’t mean the problem is solved. You can pass laws forcing Bangladesh to outlaw child labour, but you’ll still have some kids doing illegal shit to make money...because they’re fucking broke and they do what they have too in order to survive. Even if America repealed the laws on child labour, it’s not like some American kid on the brink of hunger is gonna be working in a coal mine. You’d have to be stupid and naive to have such a worldview. Private capital accumulation (ie. more machines) is what made us more efficient, and that’s all capitalism. Not socialism. The Socialists only come in once the country is rich and then they institute all these welfare schemes. But those welfare schemes would’ve have been possible if those countries weren’t already rich.

But yeah, keep being stupid enough to think that there’s some factory owner in America who’s willing to take the heat for hiring unproductive 7 year olds to work in his assembly line.

And then you have the nerve to lecture me on MY intelligence

According to these leftist imbeciles, the progress of the American worker was because the politicians told companies to “be nice” to their workers.

Let’s follow that same recipe in Africa!

The fact that this moron thinks his arguments are legitimate is what’s most shocking to me. But hey, it is what it is


I legit think you're the dumbest person I've come across in my entire tenure on this forum, and that's saying something with all the Teslas on here. This Nigga is quoting American rightwing radio talking points verbatim. You can't legislate prosperity. kulaha :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Why so defensive G? Why can't you bring any facts or articles to support your non-arguments? Because this game of regurgitating Rush Limbaugh ain't cutting it for you.
Imagine watching a Ron Paul video and not laughing uncontrollably at his nonsense. Libertarianism, or as I like to call it, Propertarianism is a hodgepodge nonsensical ideology that leads to corporations taking the place of government. Imagine being so dense as to think that working as a wage slave for corporations is freedom and liberty. At least the government is theoretically accountable to the people, who are McDonald's and Google accountable to?

Even the most renowned libertarian intellectual, Ayn Rand, died while receiving government welfare and housing. If you're not a billionaire like the Kochs and you claim to be a libertarian/AnCap, you're a fucking retard, who has no understanding of economics and should be kept away from sharp objects.

Without socialism, there would be no 8 hour work day, paid leave, maternity, weekends free, sick pay and compensation, higher wages, child labour would still be around etc.

If they were actually educated they'd know we've had societies that were essentially anarcho-capitalist or close enough. It was called Victorian England, Feudal Europe, and United States during the Gilded Age. I doubt the people alive at the time in those societies would describe themselves as economically free and or possessing "liberty".

I legit think you're the dumbest person I've come across in my entire tenure on this forum, and that's saying something with all the Teslas on here. This Nigga is quoting American rightwing radio talking points verbatim. You can't legislate prosperity. kulaha :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Why so defensive G? Why can't you bring any facts or articles to support your non-arguments? Because this game of regurgitating Rush Limbaugh ain't cutting it for you.

You haven’t shown any evidence that backs up your arguments. All I’m doing here is hitting you with the pure force of logic and you still can’t keep up.

And no, you can’t legislate prosperity. Progress doesn’t come by electing some brilliant leader. It comes from the bottom-up. Your view on life is so naive it’s actually scary.

Notice how you don’t counter my arguments. You just say I’m repeating Fox News talking points, as a way of avoiding the topic.

The only reason why we could have all these benefits for American workers is because their marginal productivity is so high that they can afford higher compensation. American workers are many times more productive than Bangladeshi workers, hence why their salaries and working conditions are so much better. It’s not because Americans had better unions, only a naive idiot thinks that unions are the source of American prosperity
You haven’t shown any evidence that backs up your arguments. All I’m doing here is hitting you with the pure force of logic and you still can’t keep up.

And no, you can’t legislate prosperity. Progress doesn’t come by electing some brilliant leader. It comes from the bottom-up. Your view on life is so naive it’s actually scary.

Notice how you don’t counter my arguments. You just say I’m repeating Fox News talking points, as a way of avoiding the topic.

The only reason why we could have all these benefits for American workers is because their marginal productivity is so high that they can afford higher compensation. American workers are many times more productive than Bangladeshi workers, hence why their salaries and working conditions are so much better. It’s not because Americans had better unions, only a naive idiot thinks that unions are the source of American prosperity


