NAXDIN:Nin Madowweyne ah oo la dilay lana gubay Marki wiilkiisa Guursaday gabar Reer Muqdisho ah

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Xog cusub: Nin kasoo jeeda beel la liido oo lagu gubay Muqdisho sababo guur.

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Maanta Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ka dhacday qiso xanuun badan oo ay la yaabeen dadka Soomaaliyeed kadib markii nin la dilay haddana la gubay.

Shabakadda Caasimadda oo soo xiganeysay dad goobjoogayaal ah ayaa markii hore tabisay in ninka la dilay ee la gubay uu ahaa nin gabar ka guursaday cid balse sheekada sidaas uma dhicin waxaana hadda soo baxay warar xaqiiq ah oo arrintaas ku saabsan.

Ninka la dilay ee la gubay ayaa adeer u ahaa nin kasoo jeedo Beesha Madowweyne oo Gabar ka guursaday cid aysan isku heyb aheyn, qoyska gabadha laga guursaday oo xanaaqsan ayaa weeraray Ninkaan isagoo ku jiro Shaqadiisa caadiga ah oo sameynta Gawaarida.

Ehelada Ninkaas oo lagu magacaabo Axmed Muqtaar Saalax ayaa waxa ay ka sheekeeyeen qaabka ninkaasi loo dilay kadibna loo gubey.

Waxaa ehelada ninkaas ay sheegeen in hooyada dhashay gabadha wiilka la siiyey iyo walaalaheed ay weerareen, isla markaana markii hore ay ku dhufteen waran, intaasi kadibna ay dhaawac soo gaarey kadib ay dab qabadsiiyeen, sidaasina uu ku dhintay ninkii adeerka u ahaa wiilka Gabadhooda guursaday.

Dhacdadaan maanta ka dhacday xaafada Towfiiq ee degmada Yaaqshiid ee gobolkaan Banaadir ayaa waxa ay ka mid tahay dhacdooyinka badanaa lagula kaco dadka laga tirade badan yahay ee jeclaada gabdhaha ka dhashay qabiilada awoodda ku leh Soomaaliya.

Ninka la gubay ayaa ifka kaga tagay Laba Xaas iyo 12 Ilmo oo ay u kala dhaleyn wuxuuna ahaa nin weyn oo ilmiisa usoo shaqo tagay.

Aabaha dhalay ninka la dilay ayaa sheegay inuu aad uga xun yahay arrintaas, wuxuua kaloo sheegay inuu Ninkaas ahaa midka uu ugu jecelaa ilmihiisa.

Dadkii falkan gaystay Ayaan weli wax tallaabo ah aysan ka qaadin dowladda,
mana jiro wax war ah oo dowladda kasoo baxay.

Sawirrada ninkan laga gubay oo aad loo wareejinayo baraha bulshada, islamarkaana ay heshay Caasimada Online, ayaan usoo gudbin karin akhristayaasha, sababo al xiriira inaan xaqiiqdii la eegi Karin.
It’s sad what happen but I just can’t get passed “2 wives and 12 kids” and there was probably more coming goodness sake.
It’s sad what happen but I just can’t get passed “2 wives and 12 kids” and there was probably more coming goodness sake.


Somalis have that much children back home, but he wasn't a lazy bum who relied on foreign remittance to have multiple wives, he was a mechanic and also supported his parents. He was killed and burnt alive because of his nephew's marriage to a girl.
he wasn't a lazy bum
What makes you think ethnic somalis in somalia are all lazy bums,they are the one building their country,do you think all those shops and businesses are owned by ajnabis,the garage where he was working was probably owned by a somali,Good and well to feel sorry for a victim but dont insult my people just to make a point
What makes you think ethnic somalis in somalia are all lazy bums,they are the one building their country,do you think all those shops and businesses are owned by ajnabis,the garage where he was working was probably owned by a somali,Good and well to feel sorry for a victim but dont insult my people just to make a point


There are millions who are bums and this is not the place to discuss it. Please nick off to other threads.
I really hope this becomes international news and there will be pressure on the government to get this people. I can see them getting away because of them being of higher clan. Im actually fuming watching that video
Disgusting. It’s 2018 and men are still trying to control women’s vagina. God I hate men.


No need for gender bending on this tragedy but for your information, the killers were 3 women and two men. The guy poured petrol on him and a lady lit him. Let's not go there, please.
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No need for gender bending on this tragedy but for your information, the killers were 3 women and two men. The guy poured him on petrol and a lady lit him. Let's not go there, please.

I’m telling the truth. The idiotic women you mention have been brainwashed by the patriarchal system in Somalia.

The reason why this is happening is because Somali parasitic men believe Somali women are only meant for them anyone who steps outside these parameters is seen as a and brings shame to their family. I guess we can’t say honour killings don’t happen in the Somali community because they do.
I’m telling the truth. The idiotic women you mention have been brainwashed by the patriarchal system in Somalia.

The reason why this is happening is because Somali parasitic men believe Somali women are only meant for them anyone who steps outside these parameters is seen as a and brings shame to their family. I guess we can’t say honour killings don’t happen in the Somali community because they do.
Knowles you are also ignoring the elephant in the room. In which city did this happen? In which city where dead corpses dragged, schools suicide bombed and people raped in Mosques? Muqdisho needs to stop embarrassing Somalis.


its a woman who killed him.......and your reaction to this is sad. you have issues

Ask yourself why is this happening? I’m simply exploring the cultural underpinnings that allowed this to happen. Racism and backwardness when it comes to allowing women to make a choice for herself. If this is too complex or disturbing for you then move on.
Ask yourself why is this happening? I’m simply exploring the cultural underpinnings that allowed this to happen. Racism and backwardness when it comes to allowing women to make a choice for herself. If this is too complex or disturbing for you then move on.
There is a place and time for everything. A father with 12 kids was burned alive by a gang of men and women. A women lit the match. Im sorry but I am really not interested in scoring gender points here. You seem so emotionally detached from this and see this as game. If your family calls you or whatever for stepping with non somali men, frankly thats your problem and not something we really care about. Dont bring your shit into every somali men. I usually dont even care about your calaal as I just find it sad. But it really annoys me when you are trying to derail this thread. This is bigger than you. Have some respect
Ask yourself why is this happening? I’m simply exploring the cultural underpinnings that allowed this to happen. Racism and backwardness when it comes to allowing women to make a choice for herself. If this is too complex or disturbing for you then move on.
I wouldn’t really call it racism. Ethnic Madhibaan Somalis are also not married from. The issue is the Somali tribal system. A fellow could also be disowned and looked down upon if he marries a Bantu girl or Madhibaan.


There is a place and time for everything. A father with 12 kids was burned alive by a gang of men and women. A women lit the match. Im sorry but I am really not interested in scoring gender points here. You seem so emotionally detached from this and see this as game. If your family calls you or whatever for stepping with non somali men, frankly thats your problem and not something we really care about. Dont bring your shit into every somali men. I usually dont even care about your calaal as I just find it sad. But it really annoys me when you are trying to derail this thread. This is bigger than you. Have some respect

You are in a very emotional state and I’m guessing this is because of the guilt you feel for demonising Somali Bantus. If I want to discuss the underlying reasons why things like this happen I can. It’s easy to say the family were crazy and lashed out but we both know Somalis have a racist and sexist culture, this would not have happened if the man was a Cushitic Somali nor if it was a Somali man marrying a bantu woman.

If this is all too complicated for you then please stop reading my posts. You are accusing me of derailing this thread when all I’ve done is write about the incident and the reasons behind it. Go somewhere else with your fake outrage I’m not interested.
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