Zulus are the scum of the earth - 139 Somalis murdered in South Africa

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Check out white farmers being killed there. It's crazy sxb.

meh, white people deserve it, they killing AA in america like its hunting season.. its only fair in our continent they get treatied as such:manny:

but for other Africans, these harambes behavior is not acceptable. Specially the way they treat Nigerians and Somalis who fought tooth and nail to end the apartheid.

besides why you care about the caadans treatment there, its karma...
meh, white people deserve it, they killing AA in america like its hunting season.. its only fair in our continent they get treatied as such:manny:

but for other Africans, these harambes behavior is not acceptable. Specially the way they treat Nigerians and Somalis who fought tooth and nail to end the apartheid.

besides why you care about the caadans treatment there, its karma...
So because whites in another continent are killing blacks, whites in SA deserve to be slaughtered? :drakewtf:
Btw I don’t really believe SA whites are being targeted that much, its mostly exaggerated by alt-righters but to say that they deserve to be killed due to the colour of their skin is very wrong.
So because whites in another continent are killing blacks, whites in SA deserve to be slaughtered? :drakewtf:
Btw I don’t really believe SA whites are being targeted that much, its mostly exaggerated by alt-righters but to say that they deserve to be killed due to the colour of their skin is very wrong.

your too miskeen too see the world for what it is, or maybe too young and haven't experienced the world yet. We are at the bottom of the totem pole, and people subconsciously judge you by your skin color, and its worse outside of part of europe and the west.
No, I know that. I used to think like that too but I realised that it’s stupid. Nobody deserves to die because of their colour. I subconciously judge people based on theirs, but I make an effort not to.

thats good. i myself try to do the same, but unfortunately the world isn't sunshine and rainbows, its still backwards. my post was in anger towards the suffering of my people in there hell hole of a country, while the people who oppressed them and segregate them get a pass..

besides its just banter, i wouldn't take my word seriously. :mjlol:
thats good. i myself try to do the same, but unfortunately the world isn't sunshine and rainbows, its still backwards. my post was in anger towards the suffering of my people in there hell hole of a country, while the people who oppressed them and segregate them get a pass..

besides its just banter, i wouldn't take my word seriously. :mjlol:
This dunya is nothing, trust me. Those Somalis that were killed in such brutal ways are in Jannah now, whilst those Zulus are living in their shantytowns or rotting in prison.


Self imposed exile
If you defended your store; you'd end up attracting more criminals that now are interested in your gun.

If you actually end up hitting someone; expect to get ripped apart by the locals. Even the local priest will join in.

If Somalis learned to organise and lobby local police to take care of Somali shops then there would be incentives to solve these murder cases.

If an cadaan or Indian got killed they'd have helicopters there within within milliseconds.
This dunya is nothing, trust me. Those Somalis that were killed in such brutal ways are in Jannah now, whilst those Zulus are living in their shantytowns or rotting in prison.

make sure you do dua for them, it could've easily been anyone of us
If you defended your store; you'd end up attracting more criminals that now are interested in your gun.

If you actually end up hitting someone; expect to get ripped apart by the locals. Even the local priest will join in.

If Somalis learned to organise and lobby local police to take care of Somali shops then there would be incentives to solve these murder cases.

If an cadaan or Indian got killed they'd have helicopters there within within milliseconds.

the need too see us as brothers, we aren't the enemy. we didn't segregate them or steal there fortune. i'm really shocked at how they see the world.


Self imposed exile
the need too see us as brothers, we aren't the enemy. we didn't segregate them or steal there fortune. i'm really shocked at how they see the world.

The whole country runs on segregation. Black hate coloureds and whites; white hate both and coloureds hate themselves just as much as everyone else.

The ANC of today wouldn't exist if that wasn't the case.

No point trying to fight against gravity. We should just play it like all the other successful foreigners are.

Just 100 stores paying a small bribe each month could enhance the security of their stores by a lot of they join together.
Fucking moron.
Innocent people don't deserve to die anywhere, no matter what the "offending" group has done.
What does Hamza who has opened up his kiosk in Johannesburg since 92 have to do with the killings of minority ethnic groups in Somalia?
Don’t call me moron you fucking dumbass.Did you not read the very first part of my comment? The worst place to be a minority in the whole world is in Somalia! Let’s be extremely honest Somalis are extremely xenophobic! Somalis treat non Somalis horrifically evil in Somalia! And plus don’t Somalis have a “warrior” culture?? Why don’t these Somalis fight back in South Africa? Or are Somalis only tough with the reer xamar?
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Don’t call me moron you fucking dumbass.Did you not read the very first part of my comment? The worst place to be a minority in the whole world is in Somalia! Let’s be extremely honest Somalis are extremely xenophobic! Somalis treat non Somalis horrifically evil in Somalia! And plus don’t Somalis have a “warrior” culture?? Why don’t these Somalis fight back in South Africa? Or are Somalis only tough with the reer xamar?

I agree that the Bantus and the barwanis are marginalized in somalia but to compare somalis to the Zulus is extremely ignorant. More than a thousand somalis alone have been unjustly killed in SA the past decade. Somalinimo haa sheeganin hoyathaa was.


Don’t call me moron you fucking dumbass.Did you not read the very first part of my comment? The worst place to be a minority in the whole world is in Somalia! Let’s be extremely honest Somalis are extremely xenophobic! Somalis treat non Somalis horrifically evil in Somalia! And plus don’t Somalis have a “warrior” culture?? Why don’t these Somalis fight back in South Africa? Or are Somalis only tough with the reer xamar?
You have no respect for the deceased whatsoever. Grow up.
AUN to the victims.

Somalidhu waa indho-adheyg woxodha.

Don't set up shop in a zoo, and you won't get ravaged by the resident animals. If you want to finesse the animals, make sure you pay the zookeeper handsomely.

We have the same enterprising nature as these Chinese/Indians/ Euros but none of their chicanery. Either play the game, or get the f*ck out.
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