Yemenis Restaurants In Puntland

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Morgan is a MJ but politically he was Mareexan.:siilaanyosmile:
Siilanyo the previous president of somaliland use to be politically mareexan the former foreign minister of somaliland waran cadde use to be politically said barre what’s your point?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
how can a gaal garac be better than me kkkkk

tell me do you still get drunk and get beaten up by white girls :tacky:

gaal gaal dhalay
Please calm down and regain your composure it’s beneath me to address such profanity and you will be hard pressed in provoking me to stoop to your level my unruly dear child.

In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.
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Dr Osman is correct Necsom is a private owned utility company and they paid the said company to expand their grid.


Necsom's owner Mohamed Noor and its shareholders did great!

Here they are launching their Solar Project. Attended by President Faroole and VP Amey.

Paolo Morandi, Nicola Vaninetti (Vice President) and Ivo Sciuttini (International Business Development) Group attended the ceremony of opening of the plant, which was inaugurated by the Vice President of Puntland Abdihakin Abdullahi Haji Omar, former President of Puntland Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, and several members of Parliament.



Dr Osman is correct Necsom is a private owned utility company and they paid the said company to expand their grid.


Necsom's owner Mohamed Noor and its shareholders did great!

Here they are launching their Solar Project. Attended by President Faroole and VP Amey.


The guy was just trolling, probably try to learn economics or something while being on the down-low and posing opposition. Clear troll, his argument is basically a person will donate to a private company for charitable purposes and then that company charges it's customer and makes a profit of it. Crazy stuff, unheard of but only possible in the drugged out hargeisa. It probably does happen over there that, so he thinks that how the real world operates.

U don't donate to a profit turning company and expect nothing in return for your money, he thinks businesses are charity and play politics with people money loooooooooooool. Tell him to dump 1000 dollars right now and play political with it, watch how quickly he turns away, well what the hell does he think people who invest millions will do? it's a very conservative game in the business world, you don't play 'gut feelings or politics there' . The rules are simple in business world, make money, it doesn't get any simpler then that.

The rules are different in charitable organizations or NGOS cause they make it clear from the get go, we ain't here to make money or charge people jack shit or turn over a profit, they are there for some cause or belief they have and ask for donations from people who know full well what their motto operandus is which is IF U GIVE US YA MONEY, U WONT GET IT BACK, IT WILL BE DUMPED INTO THIS CAUSE OR OPERATION THEY ARE DOING.

I can understand those guys getting charity or donors or funding because they simply aren't modelled around profit making, if they were they would change their motto operandus and say we are here to make a profit and people would automatically turn into investors as they want a slice of the pie in the end which they contributed towards.
Dr Osman I like him his downfall is that he thinks Somaliland is the only part of Somalia where progress is happening and confusing and equiting shortfalls of the Gaas administration in economics, governance, rule of law and security with the private sector.

Puntland is doing well because its economy is free whereas in Somaliland business is monopolised by a few big companies resulting in people being dirt poor in contrast to Puntland.

I also highlighted the dual track policy of tge USA and that the UN divided Somalia into three zones of which two are in the development stage and the other in the recovery/stabilisation stage. Puntland and Somaliland afe dealt with separately while the rest namely South and Central zone is dealt with by the FGS.


I mean I can even understand an NGO or Charity or Non profit saying hey listen we can't rely on unreliable donations cause not many people just give their money away and want nothing back from it unless they really believe in that cause that organization is doing. I can understand some of those non profits turning around saying we cant rely on unreliable streams of donations and charge people but they must do it only to cover their expenses to keep operating cause the bills will still keep coming u feel me and having an unreliable stream of charities doesn't pay the electricity bills, or website hosting, or salaries of people, whatever their up too and where-ever their costs are.

But the second their charging people after covering their expenses are settled to operate then it's no longer a charity or non profit in my book, it's no different to a normal business. I don't mind they even store the money away for rainy days and charge like a profit company, the question is where is that money going at the end of the day, if it's going to support them operating for 2 years without reliance of charity, I can understand that also.

I am suprised in this day n age we have people who don't even know what charities and donors and businesses are about. One u give ur money u expect something back, another you give ur money u getting nothing back and u probably giving cause u support their cause.
Necsom became very rich because they have a monopoly and cbarge exponentially prices. I am not a fan of this utility companies but they are doing business in a country that suffered a war. ( Puntland being the exception). If you don't pay they just cut you off.

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