WTF is going on in Chicago?

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It doesn't have to be one or the other. You're just making a false argument and then shutting it down while congratulating yourself.

But nice job in placing the fate and fortunes of Black-Americans in the hands of Whitey. How empowering and liberating must it feel when you think that you have no agency over your own life and that your success/failure is purely due to the benevolence of White people.

I feel like puching someone in the fucking throat when they be like "Naa i mean bro, the white man the devil, yous blackbthe white men keep killing us coz he dont wanna see us successful knaaw i mean..."
This mentality is even seeping into the somali community when people start studying black and African studies, women studies...absolute useless and brain damaging when you see dalanyaro somali talking about i study psychology and sociology social work..f*ck are you gonna do with those useless degrees.
And when somali abtiyaal and youth ask me what i study and i go like "chemical Engineering adheer/bro." i always get hit with "oooooo muslin iyo madow inaa tahay soo ma ogid, shaqo kuma sii naa yaan gaaladan, hadowti taksiile ayaad noqoni adigoo lacag iyo waqti galiyeey degree gaas."
I always go like "f*ck their jobs and money, the world is big and i dont go to school for a fucking pay check l, i have a goal and thats to go back to somalia and do good for my Religion, country and people.

Noolow bratha you have a thinking brain on your garbo.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
You're making it seem as if Black-Americans are in a worse position than other groups of people. Spare me your crocodile tears, countries like Rwanda experienced a fucking genocide 20 years ago and now they're miles ahead of their neighbors in development. Somalia was on an equal footing with South Korea back in the 1960's but look how far they've surpassed us since. A generation ago, no one ever thought of categorizing China or India as legitimate world powers, but a lot has changed since then.

Black Americans have the benefit of living in a country where extreme poverty is non-existent, where educational opportunities are unmatched anywhere else in the world, and where they have a $1 trillion dollar purchasing power (more than countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia).

You're referencing slavery while neglecting to mention the fact that AA's had MUCH lower homicide rates when Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were still alive, and this was at a time when Black Americans were much poorer and received far more discrimination than they do in 2017. If slavery is to blame for these gang murders, then why weren't these patterns more obvious 50 years ago when the Black-Americans were closer to slavery times than today?

1. They commit 22% of violent crimes in America yet make up to 50% of its prison population. Whites commit 60% of violent crimes yet are only 30% of prison population.
2. Just like @Lmao said, many of the black neighborhoods/ cities have corrupt police and judges.
3. Learn about the school to prison pipeline.
4. Prisoners are allowed to be used as slaves that get paid 20 cents an hour.
5. Black neighborhood/ cities are not taken care of. e.g Flint Michigan and 3000 other black communities do not have access to clean water.
6. Their leaders keep getting @ss1ssinated. Think about it. Did you hear about any new real c1vil rights activist after MLK?
7. Welfare also destroyed the Black family because the husband of the black woman is now the g0vernment.
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It doesn't have to be one or the other. You're just making a false argument and then shutting it down while congratulating yourself.

But nice job in placing the fate and fortunes of Black-Americans in the hands of Whitey. How empowering and liberating must it feel when you think that you have no agency over your own life and that your success/failure is purely due to the benevolence of White people.


You're right, it doesn't have to be one or the other but it's ludicrous to presume they play equal parts and developed at the same time. Who is putting what in the hands of whitey? As long as Turbo Grafx 16 drops AfAm issues aren't very high on my list of priorities. There are plenty of reasons why African Americans are in the position they are. Can they recover? Sure, that's not disputable but it's nowhere as easy as people make it out to be. African Americans have the proverbial knee and the full weight of the white man on their chest and then you've got the likes of @Cukaash saying "stop blaming the White man, get up!". Ironically, I'm a fervent believer that African Americans will never be a successful group of people if they remain in the United States or don't become a majority by sheer numbers.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You're making it seem as if Black-Americans are in a worse position than other groups of people. Spare me your crocodile tears, countries like Rwanda experienced a fucking genocide 20 years ago and now they're miles ahead of their neighbors in development. Somalia was on an equal footing with South Korea back in the 1960's but look how far they've surpassed us since. A generation ago, no one ever thought of categorizing China or India as legitimate world powers, but a lot has changed since then.

What...exactly are you talking about? Like what kind of false equivalency BS is this? Black people in America can't have distinct socioeconomic issues that plague their communities...because a once genocide-prone nation like Rwanda is seeing breaths of success? Yeah the world changes; we know that and succumb to world politics by and large. Has nothing to do with the marginalization of the African American man in his own country. The scope is entirely North American with break periods of crossovers to other developed nations. We're contrasting African Americans to their white counterparts and the opportunities that they should be striving for. You're essentially saying people who live in a developed world have complete agencies to fix their surroundings without help because African countries don't have to fear contaminated water anymore. Lunacy.

Black Americans have the benefit of living in a country where extreme poverty is non-existent, where educational opportunities are unmatched anywhere else in the world, and where they have a $1 trillion dollar purchasing power (more than countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia).

Again, not entirely sure why you're making this intangible argument. It's a false equivalency. We know they absolutely do NOT have the same access to education that many of their white peers have, and we know the cycle of poverty they are in leave them relatively unemployed area-to-area. What is also worth noting is demographic shifts and places like the South where just about every is broke and desolate, where African Americans make up a hefty percentage.

You're referencing slavery while neglecting to mention the fact that AA's had MUCH lower homicide rates when Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were still alive, and this was at a time when Black Americans were much poorer and received far more discrimination than they do in 2017. If slavery is to blame for these gang murders, then why weren't these patterns more obvious 50 years ago when the Black-Americans were closer to slavery times than today?

Um...Yeah? That's kind of the crux of my argument. They thrived with competent leaders who genuinely had the intelligence and leadership credentials to lead them and generally lost those at the exact same time they were finally given full rights. Their highest peaks of homicide and deaths were way higher in the transition period of the 60s into the 70s and were at an all time high as they entered the 80s. And no they weren't MUCH lower during the 60s. Their better periods were well before Martin Luther King's time, and a few break periods in the 2010s where overall crime has been much lower throughout the entire country.

Jim Crow didn't evaporate in the south, and most of those areas fought tooth and nail to avoid giving adequate access to proper schooling to a group of people now forced to compete against their white peers.

We're relatively tame in comparison to those numbers, and coincidentally those statistics came at the tail-end of the assassinations of their prominent leaders and the moment they were given full-rights. Imagine finally receiving the rights you deserved, and the leaders who organized it all were all gunned down before they came to fruition. Now imagine you went to war, worked menial jobs, and the tech industry began to boom and yet somehow you have virtually no educational background required to compete, have had a history of racism to contend with (because you know they literally were second-class humans a few years before and that doesn't evaporate). And to top it off your country decides to enact some ludicrous war on drugs program and institutes capitalistic, trickle-down economic drivel knowing full well the poor do not perform well in those conditions.

You're grossly oversimplifying a pretty fucked up issue for a reason I can't really fathom.


You're right, it doesn't have to be one or the other but it's ludicrous to presume they play equal parts and developed at the same time. Who is putting what in the hands of whitey? As long as Turbo Grafx 16 drops AfAm issues aren't very high on my list of priorities. There are plenty of reasons why African Americans are in the position they are. Can they recover? Sure, that's not disputable but it's nowhere as easy as people make it out to be. African Americans have the proverbial knee and the full weight of the white man on their chest and then you've got the likes of @Cukaash saying "stop blaming the White man, get up!". Ironically, I'm a fervent believer that African Americans will never be a successful group of people if they remain in the United States or don't become a majority by sheer numbers.
ان الله لا يغيرو ما بقوم حتي ىغيرو ما بانفسهم.
Those aren't excuses. It's an abject reality of Chicago being a legitimate shit-hole riddled with crime since its inception as a city..

You're making it seem as if Black-Americans are in a worse position than other groups of people. Spare me your crocodile tears, countries like Rwanda experienced a fucking genocide 20 years ago and now they're miles ahead of their neighbors in development. Somalia was on an equal footing with South Korea back in the 1960's but look how far they've surpassed us since. A generation ago, no one ever thought of categorizing China or India as legitimate world powers, but a lot has changed since then...

Both of you are right tbh
You would never hear me utter "I don't need no man." My grammar is a bit better than that. Please stop blaming hooyos on how fucked up some Somali guys have become. Women aren't ruining the world contrary to your limited outlook on life. Where are the fathers? So let me get this straight. If I'm not mistaken your name thought process led you to thibk Somali mothers are liberated, empowered and this so called liberation and empowerment led to the hyper masculinity of their male children... and so these boys have now become killers?! I'm sure you are trying to make a point but I think you missed the mark. I'm baffled.

This is the logical conclusion of the cultural marxist movement that you wish Somalis would adopt, OP. All of those murderers were raised by liberated, empowered, and independent women who "don't need no man" like @Angela Davis. :manny:

If you look at some diasporic Somali communities, you see the same culture of gang violence, hyper masculinity, widespread single motherhood, and government dependency emerging in tandem with widespread acceptance of the far left ideals you espouse.
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