Would you attend your EX wedding?

Would you attend your EX wedding?

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någon :)
So I just got an email inviting me to my ex's wedding. I haven't seen her in 4 years but we face time or texts once a while. We were like best friends & I liked her very much, but we weren't meant to be together.
Is not like I don't want to met her boyfriend, or go to the weeding ,I just don't want to provoke old feeling for her or me.

It's hers great day right ?, I don't want her to remember the past.
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Don't go, weird she invited you, probably to hurt you even more!

:mjlol: She's probably thinking,
He never married me, let me send
Him an invite to rub it in!

:mjpls: Woman are devious creatures
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If you're invited and on good terms, I don't see why not. If you interact with her cordially and neutrally from time to time and you're both moved on, negging on the invite makes you look some type of way, like you might still be into her. If she was still into you like that, she wouldn't have invited you.

Malcolm X

The price of freedom is death
No because she's inviting you so she can feel desired and get the attention.

Also no its super disrespectful to the man marrying your ex. Going to wedding as an ex is basically taunting you got her before he did.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
honestly, i would go just to meet some girls but that me:mjlol:


I dare u to show yourself.
Now, that I work and get paid quite good. Somali girls are all over me. My own mom wants me to get married at 23.
I'm like "I'm not done with all this free pussy yet."
Wallahi I'm living the life


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Normally, heart breakers don't get invites. Even if they helped you land a spouse. That warrants an invite, wouldn't you say?

Imagine you prayed he would leave you alone (go back to his former). You even left the country for sabbatical. After seeing his friends get pegged off one-by-one he goes through his rolodex and decides to marry his 'ex'. Yet you don't get any of the credit.

Through rejection the Farax was guided to his wife. But where is your invite? :wtf:
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Lool she still has feelings for you mate, you should go laakiin take a date with you to the wedding and pretend to be all happy and in love :denzelnigga:


Call me ayeeyo
She wants you to come so she can show off her new husband as a way to belittle you. She'd only send you an invite if she believes the guy is better than you.

So if you've gotten better financially or otherwise, you should go. But that's if you're really petty and want to dampen her day. It can be a gift from you to her if you were to leave her alone and let her be happy for that day.

You're a troll so this advice isn't for you, you're pulling an @EedoMenace and @lone . I see you.
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