Words of The Day: The Four States of Matter in Somali language | Afarta Waji ee Maatarka Af Soomaali.

In science, you only need to remember the four states of matter. Let's learn about them in the Somali language.
Solid - Adke
Liquid- Dareere (Hoor)
Gas - Uumi (Neef)
Plasma - Balaasma (Taw)

Sayniska, waxaad u baahan tahay oo kaliya inaad xasuusato afarta fool ee maatarka. Bal aan ku baranno afka ingiriisiga.

Adke - solid
Dareere (Hoor) - liquid
Uumi (Neef) - Gas
Balaasma (Taw) - Plasma

