Why Somalia is so poor? – The Potent Dirty Weapons used.

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If you asked the average person, you get everything from ‘corruption’, to they are ‘stupid’, or even it’s because of Qabiil, the classic game of blaming the powerless victims for all their problems.

The potent weapons Western countries use to impoverish and keep the countries impoverished are many but in Somalia alone it’s the following used to devastating effects.

Resource freeze

Somalia has a resource barring in effect, courtesy of alleged documents signed by the Barre government of its entire coast (Oil, Gas), including the Uranium and various other rich minerals in the soil, the documents were reinforced/resigned by various warlords the USA created and helped sponsor.

These documents are used against any country looking to invest and have been used against the Chinese for decades as well the Turkey/Qatar more recently, they were allegedly signed as part of the deal with America when we moved away from the USSR.

The Anglo American’s themselves have no intentions whatsoever of taking those resources out of the ground themselves, because it will screw up with their profits which are made through artificially created scarcity, the whole purpose is that no else will either, enforced by their navies.

This means perpetual poverty for you by design, because wealth depends on trade, which depends on infrastructure, which depends on investments, which you can only get if you have resources worthwhile to move, a dirty trick designed to breaks this very cycle of getting out of poverty.


This is facilitated and encouraged by them, all the money flows through Western financial institutions. It’s the empire’s lifeline, its 4th biggest money maker after the Petrodollar, Bilateral dollar trade and the CIA run drug business, it what keeps the dollar afloat.

Ask yourself this question, why is it when I send 10K to a friend, it’s flagged, audited and questions are asked, but not when a despot sends 1, 2, 3 to 100 million dollars through those same institutions?

No Western leader is able to do this, and there is a reason for that, this keeps them broke/powerless and at the mercy of the bankers and lobbyist groups, the more he does for them, the more bribe he gets, it has nothing to do with them being more moral or virtuous and to believe so is to claim inferiority.

Fast majority of leaders are appointed by the empire that fit this profile, and the few that are not whom survive their onslaughts, are completely cut off from everything and every other country, if you happened to have no resources or self-sufficiency your toast. (Mugabe is an example)

Dead Aid

This is classic colonial 101 and how much of Africa was destroyed, and why we see reoccurring famines, as part of globalization which everyone ‘has’ to accept, they dump their surplus food on our markets during harvest seasons 'dead cheap' undercutting local produce, while they protect their own markets from this very same thing.

This takes all of our farmers and food producers out of business as a result. Next years that follow they stop bringing their surplus cheap crap and all of a sudden we have a famine and mass death, and no one is any wiser.


Every warlord, every degenerate clan elder, every militia group is sponsored & armed, you don’t even need to instigate when you flood the country with such volumes of weapons.

But things have intensified around the world, terrorist groups we have never seen before have been created, funded, heavily armed with sophisticated explosive devices.

The targets are any nationalist, Turkish construction worker, Doctors, Students and anyone that doesn’t toe the colonial lines.

The guys on the ground some sincere are dupes used to devastating effects against their own people, you can blame anyone from Saudis or whatever, but if your not a conscious person to begin with and not awake to the realities, someone else is pulling the strings and controlling you to 'love', 'believe', 'hate' or kill anyone they want you too, it's a form of mental enslavement.

Western NGO’s

These are nothing more than CIA hangouts; the idea that a Western NGO is actually there to help the people is laughable, they have the worst track records in the business, we have seen what they did in Ukraine, they are nothing more then a political tool and Russia has banned all of them after exposing them. George Soros ‘Open Society’ is an example.

They are nothing more than institutions spreading their corrupt decadence, gathering intelligence on grass root activism in the country that is able to threaten their hegemon to take them out before they ever grow into any threat. They even appoint president (HSM being one of them)

They do nothing other than enforce status quo even bringing deadly monsanto GMO seeds to the country

From time to time, they will hand out dead aid, or build some shelter to keep up the false façade.
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If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Until such a day comes when we collectively wake up and know our enemies, we will continue to succumb in every single battle and be dumbfounded none the wiser.
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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The reason Somalia is such a poor country is because clans in koonfur have no problem with rampant violence. The people in koonfur are willing to tolerate unfathomable amounts of violence in their daily lives. This violence creates insecurity in the minds of investors which keeps out preciously needed FDI from foreigners or diaspora Somalis. The minority clans in koonfur don't want to become slaves of the Mogadishu clan, so they side with Alshabab. No one says enough is enough and puts a stop to it because no clan is singularly powerful enough to dominate the whole south. You have to form alliances which are prone to shifting from the side of Alshabab to the FGS on simple whims. Violence begets anarchy, begetting violence..... rinse and repeat until yowm al qiyama.

The people in koonfur have an inhuman tolerance for death, which is a very scary thing to think about.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to come out blaming powerless victims, the cleaning lady, the shoe shiner or worse entire clan's for this, didn't take long at all.

The violence you talk of is dealt with 'destabilization's' section, it's happening in many countries, orchestrated and funded by the USA.
We never had these groups, before this, the objectives were achieved via warlords and clan militia's.

The Shabab dupe soldier is paid more then 5x the salary of any soldier/militia in the entire Somali peninsula, who has that kind of money?

These whole groups along with Boko-Haram in Nigeria came into existence as part of this fictitious war on terror, to destabilise, which I explained why.

The 2 ways the investors you talk off are kept out, I already explained, through resource barring (the biggest) via contracts they clandestinely signed but sit on using it against all other investors to keep you poor, and their weapon of choice 'destabilization's which also gives them a pretext to 'come in' which they have.

For as long as you don't see the game being played, and blame powerless victims, poor dupes that have been tricked, the cleaning lady, this clan or that clan, this region or that region, this leader or that leader, your conditions will never change and you will continue to wallow in this sorrow state.

You are no different then those dupes blowing themselves up, because as educated as you think you are, you walked straight into the old colonial 'divide and rule' strategy which fooled our forefathers, but you are even more stupid, whereas they didn't know or seen examples of this nor taught about it or had the literature available, you have and are aware of this, but continue to buy into that shameless narrative, in fact you are a worse dupe then al-shabab whom is at least ideologically driven, but you are driven by hate instilled by neo-colonialist classic tactics.

You will remain in this sorrow state which you are in right now and never win a single battle nor change your conditions, until you realise what is really going on, who the real enemies are, because without this, you wont be able to strategies based on their tactics and fight back to win.

Part of my job is to wake you all up to this reality first, because without the people knowing, nothing can be done, just take a look how they have been unable to overthrow Erdogan and turn his people against him.

It has nothing to do with the 'love' they have for him which is there of course, but he took control of all the media and updates his people regularly for years about all the dirty tricks, colour revolutions, destabilization's, sectarianism, perpetual poverty, classic divide/conquer colonial tactics and all their dirty plans for the region, hence why the entire populace is aware and can never be tricked, hence why they also came out in massive numbers during CIA attempted coup.

Turkey, Nigeria are the next countries on the list to be destroyed from within for years now, and they have all resisted, Nigeria has been resisting this for a decade, they even openly leaked intelligence reports saying the country will fall apart as a psychological warfare, to realise why they failed go and speak to any ordinary Nigerian, they are the most consciously awake people in Africa and know about these tricks, even the fucking cab driver this morning does and the cleaning lady.
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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
I agree with your points but I don't believe these fake conspiracies that terrorist groups like al shabab, al qaida, Isis, boko haram were created by the west or w/e that's bullshit
@Prince of Lasanod

Bro let's focus on the facts and ask ourselves basic questions.

Did we ever have such a group or close to it in our history?


When did they come into existence?

2007 during the supposed fictitious war on terror were they fund each side to keep the war machine and arms machine making profits, this also gives them the pretext to enter the country, set up clandestine bases were they operate. This is the case already in Somalia.

Who do they kill?

This is the key question, we have British, American, Ethiopian and many other countries, pure cut infidels but none of them are attacked. In fact when the Ethiopians arrive a place, they leave, when they leave they come, no guerrilla warfare whatsoever.

They also don’t kill Pro America or Pro Xabashi (their stooge) politician’s, just the ones opposed to them, I can list you more than 20 they killed all nationalist people, even the generals and several commanders of the SNA some veterans.

No Farah Abdul Qadir, no Xidig, but only Turkish doctors, construction workers, key infrastructures like airports, hospitals, even attempt at Turkish airlines, several attempts at Turkish base, Turkish embassy, Uganda base (pro Turkey/Somalia) same with Burundi troops whose general spoke out against TPLF, all murdered and their bases taken over, the same in CeelCade against Kikuyu not toeing the line.

Any leader that deviates from this plan, drone bombed like Ceyrow straight away, like Hasan Turki etc. These were the most ideologically driven man, then you had Godane after a long period of toeing the line, he changed, then was killed and replaced with another stooge.


All of this is no accident my friend, it’s all there by design.


The dupe foot soldiers are paid 4x the salary of the highest SNA, far more then Somaliland pays its militia’s, more than P/land pays there militias. Ask yourself which entity is able to pay so much out spending the government and clan federal states combined? Who has that kind of money?
We all know we have problems, but very few know the fundamental causes of these problems, until this is understood correctly, we will forever be in this dire poverty stricken state and never come out.

Those that understand these problems educate the rest of the populace to get the awakening going, without this the people will remain ignorant and dupes at the mercy of foreign intelligence or stupid none existent clan politics, whose leaders don’t even care about it one bit.

If you’re not consciously awake you are a dupe, either a stupid dupe or a dangerous one, the dangerous ones sign up for al-shabab, kill his doctors, his people and destroy his infrastructure

If you are able to wake up just one person, it’s like a domino effect, that won’t stop, this is why Erdogan is so effective, a few posts I had made about the UAE threat in Somalia months ago and articles I had written were picked up by alternative news, many Somali website and is now being discussed openly everywhere, that’s all it takes and it took me no more than an hour, with inbox flooding.

When a large majority of the people are awake, like the Nigerian’s, like the Turks are, you become indestructible and immune to most of these sophisticated types of attacks and your country will have a chance to recover.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Every single shop in Mogadishu, Kismaayo, Baydhabo, and Beledweyne pays some tax to Alshabab. Every truck that leaves Mogadishu and Kismaayo ports are taxed at Afgooye and Cabdalle Biroole, respectivly. Alshabab taxes the money wiring services and the telecom companies. Everyone from the old man Dahabshiil to the old woman selling tomatos in Bakaraha pays tax to Alshabab. This is how they are able to fund themselves. They may get some money from the gulf countries, but it pales in comparison to what they are able to extract within Somalia. No need for conspiracy theories, it is very simple.

It is easy to blame the west and Ethiopia, but the truth is that koonfur has failed all on its own. Politicians in koonfur do not value the lives of their people at all, this is totally different from Somaliland or Puntland. Politicians in Somaliland and Puntland are corrupt but they care at some level about the safety of their people. HSM has been president for 4.5 years, and has had access to hundreds of millions in that time. Yet, he would not free his people in Ceeldheer from Alshabab! Politicians in koonfur do not see any value in their people's lives.


Your superior
The reason why Somalia is poor is because of low IQ people like you who think the earth is flat and always blame others for their faults. Have you ever seen smooth genuinely hold his hands up and say you know what, we have issues we need to sort out. He is blaming everyone else

I recently lead an entire convoy of D8's, Bull-dozers and Drilling rigs from Xamar to Hobyo, I was on the ground dealing with them, I know all the strategic routes they are stationed, they are more armed then S/land and P/land put together, if you and I both know so does every other intelligence group, so why don;'t they do anything about them???

P/land S/land both collect tax on a far bigger scale, are you telling me Shabab collects more despite them not having a single airport/port? but yet are able to pay 4x what you pay your militia's and what Somaliland pays theirs ? you even fail to pay yours for months! do you even know the average salary Al-shabab foot soldier pockets?

HSM is beyond corrupt, he is a NGO product put their by the America-UAE axis that's on his way out, in the hope he would get rid of the Turks whom Sheikh Shariif facilitated to come, but it hasn't happened, the country has gone backwards as a result, but why blame an NGO product put in place there for you and not the guys that put him there? why blame the clear corruption he is undertaking and not the Western financial institutions that encourage and facilitate this?

Again your blaming a clan, powerless victims that don't even have the power to even shape their own destiny, I class you as a stupid dupe not a dangerous one, your heart is in the right place, but your mind is still intoxicated with hatred and typical clan politicians rhetoric, I have faith in you, it will take a while for you to be able to think clear again.


If at least 60% of the populace back home was like me and just 40% like you, we would be able to contain crazies like you, the problem of course is that about 75% are like you, think like you, blind follow like you.

But you are a special case of the like I haven't seen before, your not content to just blame the powerless victims, your ideology is that the 'victims' are always to blame despite overwhelming evidence. Lo and Behold You are the perfect cannon fodder Europhile, a colonialist treasure and dream, they loved your likes.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Perhaps its in the US's interest for Al Shabab remain but i don't believe for a second that they were found by them or anything. As long as the status quo remains, then it's in the US's interest. That much I can understand.

This victim mentality you are displaying though is ridiculous, you're basically saying that everything is in the hands of the US, everything that destroyed us was created by them, we are doomed to fail, and there will be no change or progress. We need to accept some responsibility.
The reason Somalia is such a poor country is because clans in koonfur have no problem with rampant violence. The people in koonfur are willing to tolerate unfathomable amounts of violence in their daily lives. This violence creates insecurity in the minds of investors which keeps out preciously needed FDI from foreigners or diaspora Somalis. The minority clans in koonfur don't want to become slaves of the Mogadishu clan, so they side with Alshabab. No one says enough is enough and puts a stop to it because no clan is singularly powerful enough to dominate the whole south. You have to form alliances which are prone to shifting from the side of Alshabab to the FGS on simple whims. Violence begets anarchy, begetting violence..... rinse and repeat until yowm al qiyama.

The people in koonfur have an inhuman tolerance for death, which is a very scary thing to think about.
What's stopping other regions from becoming rich?:pachah1: Yes let's blame it on Konfur people like the Rahanwyn clan :camby:


All of Africa is bumfuck poor. Even the wealthier parts like South Africa, Tunisia, Botswana are relatively shit.
What's stopping other regions from becoming rich?:pachah1: Yes let's blame it on Konfur people like the Rahanwyn clan

He is not smart enough to think this way, he would likely tell you that all the "aid" money is going to Mogadishu, believing that they really do pay 'aid' unconditionally with no strings attached.

When you show him that UAE pay his administration directly along with S/land including the IC, with documents, he would likely run away or if he has courage say it's due to 'corruption' of his admin (again believing they pay unconditionally)

Then ignore how this corruption is facilitated by design as part of this warfare going through western financial institutions, never to be flagged while my 10K to you will be.

He will then come back in a 360 circle which he likely is not smart enough to do, and come to @waraabe conclusion that we should blame the victims, the shoe shiner, the cleaner, the nurse, the road sweeper, the garbage truck driver, the surgeon, that odey with 30 kids etc.

Waraabe and that blind shepherd kid are ignorant non dangerous dupes, I am not too worried about them other then their poison, they take time, it's the people that are totally clueless and the dangerous dupes, I concern myself with.
All of Africa is bumfuck poor. Even the wealthier parts like South Africa, Tunisia, Botswana are relatively shit.

Why? That's the very key question! what makes a country rich/wealthy? how does a country get out of poverty? why are they in poverty? you ever thought about those questions? any answers?
He is not smart enough to think this way, he would likely tell you that all the "aid" money is going to Mogadishu, believing that they really do pay 'aid' unconditionally with no strings attached.

When you show him that UAE pay his administration directly along with S/land including the IC, with documents, he would likely run away or if he has courage say it's due to 'corruption' of his admin (again believing they pay unconditionally)

Then ignore how this corruption is facilitated by design as part of this warfare going through western financial institutions, never to be flagged while my 10K to you will be.

He will then come back in a 360 circle which he likely is not smart enough to do, and come to @waraabe conclusion that we should blame the victims, the shoe shiner, the cleaner, the nurse, the road sweeper, the garbage truck driver, the surgeon, that odey with 30 kids etc.

Waraabe and that blind shepherd kid are ignorant non dangerous dupes, I am not too worried about them other then their poison, they take time, it's the people that are totally clueless and the dangerous dupes, I concern myself with.

What's your qabil? :damnmusic: :feedme: :ohhhdamn: :leobite:


Why? That's the very key question! what makes a country rich/wealthy? how does a country get out of poverty? why are they in poverty? you ever thought about those questions? any answers?

I have read many books on why Africa is so fucked. There are countless socioeconomic, political, and even geographical/climatic reasons for it. The continent is basically doomed forever to under-perform the rest of the Northern hemisphere.
I have read many books on why Africa is so fucked. There are countless socioeconomic, political, and even geographical/climatic reasons for it. The continent is basically doomed forever to under-perform the rest of the Northern hemisphere.

You can read any piece of literature and draw the wrong conclusions and thus go astray. Europe has no natural resources whatsoever, how does a continent with the most natural resources becomes the poorest and the one with the least the richest? this is the key foundation question you have to get right, history doesn't lie and all your answers are there.

There was a time Europe was throwing their faeces out the windows in the dark ages, how did they get out of it? there were those just like you at that time many infact describing them as barbarian's that would never come out and they were at war with each other and darkness longer then anyone else in this world.

It's actually very simple, if your poor with resources, an empire hungry for it, would come in and take it out, but they can't do neither without building infrastructure to move it out and investing in the means, regardless if they are rogue or not, your people will learn those trades as they will be used to carry out those tasks (knowledge transfer), this is the foundation you build upon, to get out of poverty.

wealth depends on trade, depends on infrastructure, depends on investment, which you can only get if you have resources or something worth to move, hence you back to the premise of this thread, Somalia has it, but is blocked from it, something unprecedented in history.

If you travel to large places in Somalia, even up in Sanaag you have people that produce ridiculous surplus stuff, but they cannot move it due to horrifically poor infrastructure and hence it all goes to waste, the guy doesn't get any richer, won't be able to employ much people, and the services are lost to all, this is a classic story up and down the country, a sort of death spiral.

None of these people have the expertise, nor the kind of money to undertake such a project, the facilitation of corruption/destabilization's are other potent weapons used to ensure only the very brave would undertake such a task, provided they get foreign funding, which no one will give you for free.
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