Why is it acceptable to discriminate due to age?

A woman I worked with and deeply respect retired some time back and told me she dyed her hair because of general age discrimination at the workplace. she’s in her 60s. I ran into her at the mall with gray hair and the topic came up presumably because she felt she had to explain herself. It made me feel sad to see what older people have to deal with and what age discrimination I will face in the future. Why does it happen? It also made me realize why people dye their gray hair and it’s not because of vain reasons
Are you Somali ?
plus you are right I’ve witnessed it a lot .older peoples Opinions are ignored because of their age and are often not taken serious.
It differs from person to person but the older you get the less you care about how people percieve you. The pursuit to look young is not one that you can win, be yourself, take care of yourself and enjoy the time you have been given.


Somali supremacist
A woman I worked with and deeply respect retired some time back and told me she dyed her hair because of general age discrimination at the workplace. she’s in her 60s. I ran into her at the mall with gray hair and the topic came up presumably because she felt she had to explain herself. It made me feel sad to see what older people have to deal with and what age discrimination I will face in the future. Why does it happen? It also made me realize why people dye their gray hair and it’s not because of vain reasons
It’s western thing only. Ageism is the norm in Europe,America and Canada.
The newer generations are increasingly getting less respectful around elders. Every culture on the planet, no matter what religion, background, or time, had respect for seniority. That was how the standards of life cycles were. Kids with almost no life experience living in very privileged conditions think they can resent the past generations and think of themselves as morally superior. In truth, there is no evidence that Gen Z is more moral than people in the 50s.

There is also the idea among the younger kids that people's thinking is getting outdated at an increasing rate. What comes with this is the entitlement of centeredness around what is right and wrong, and since the liberal kids these days think old thinking contradicts theirs, they have some resentment toward older folks who are more traditional. In the past we would respect the wisdom of old people, today they are viewed as obsolete.

These kids have updated their phone software thinking human life is a software that updates every generation. I blame the Western education system. It always framed the people of the past as more primitive in every way and gassed kids up to think they were the best versions of human history.

It does not stop there. There is a growing hate for children among young women these days as well. We're not talking about normal reactions but real hatred of innocent children. No matter how people are spinning things, society is losing important family values at a rapid rate. It comes from kids getting their heads bloated by education and indoctrinated for the wrong sociology towards what inevitably will lead to degradation.

These people don't have the basic wisdom to understand that they were once kids they hated and tomorrow they will become the old people who they did not respect, undergoing worse treatment and neglect.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
A woman I worked with and deeply respect retired some time back and told me she dyed her hair because of general age discrimination at the workplace. she’s in her 60s. I ran into her at the mall with gray hair and the topic came up presumably because she felt she had to explain herself. It made me feel sad to see what older people have to deal with and what age discrimination I will face in the future. Why does it happen? It also made me realize why people dye their gray hair and it’s not because of vain reasons

Huuno the real world is a stage- and YOU are the actor. You have to dress up your Sunday best. Oooopps i mean Friday best. Life scuks but for ALL of us. :)

