Why Does Morgan Get A Bad Representation?

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My reply was in response to the bolded part where you said "Darods never fired the first shot, history attests to it" when the WSLF atrocities says otherwise.

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Whether it was done in Ethiopian or Somali soil is besides the point as afweyne had direct control of the wslf. Most of all, I didn't even take into account the post-77 war "refugees" that (not all I must say) were armed by the govt who attacked unarmed Isaaqs in their homeland in Somali soil, and were treated more favourably than the locals in the north.

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African Watch Report: A Government at War With Its Own People, January 1990, Pg. 30/31

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This is from the same 250+ page unbiased African watch report. 21 elders brought the grievances of their people to the president.

That is a lame argument since much of the investment was due to Berbera's strategic location (the only sheltered harbour/port in the entire North overlooking the gulf of Aden) which was coveted and funded (incl aid/military aid, grants packages) by the Soviets & (later) the Americans. Siad was still very nepotistic/clanist (giving positions to his fellow MOD clans) and corrupt.

Moscow was already planning to build up Berbera port several years before the coup (1962):

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https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=nfKeCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA103&lpg=PA103&dq=berbera+port+soviets&source=bl&ots=5VTWVmpuH0&sig=2Y9y3jan_JZLy9pd3THokGOY2tM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU-vfZsvrUAhUlAcAKHYoADNE4ChDoAQglMAM#v=onepage&q=berbera port soviets&f=false

Also check out this contemporary piece from the 80s by LA Times:


Adjusted inflation for $600 million in 1970 amounts to $3.8 billion today!

And most importantly, Isaaqs barely even benefited from the investments (especially after the 77 war) since 'aabe' Siad gave many of the jobs/positions to his fellow MOD clans (mostly Ogaden "refugees")

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Even if your africawatch article is true, which I highly doubt with skeptism as there is no correlation from other sources saying the same thing. Even if it's true the date expose it. 89? SNM established 82 that was the first 'action' this well into the hit n run attacks and working as ethiopian agents. Any grievances to siyad barre would be fruitless unless you remove the enemies of the state within your rank. Siyad was reactionary, he never started it!!! Show me something from before 82 and I will listen then way before SNM formed!!! Then you can say siyad took the first action.

As for this MOD thing, that is after the 'jabhads' formed, obviously you won't trust ethiopian agents in your damn cabinet. Your claims don't stand on much credibility because it's clan folklore and crap. The fact of the matter is the SNM wanted clan over nation and they used their people as a sheild and put them in the firing line so they can become victims and turn on siyad barre, nothing more nothing less. All started by them and all casualties from it must be on their shoulders.

As for the port investment, listen without a siyad barre govt approval that funding would go nowhere near berbera. He didn't have to approve it if he was clannist, he did approve it and that proves the man overlooked clan. He could've done what the avg maryooley does and say if my tribe dont get it noone does. He didn't, this man is the real father of somalia, your being sold in libya today cause of the SNM pure FACT
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