Why do Somali men age very slow?

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Engineer of Qandala
Nah kids is a excuse. It is about diet, genetic and fitness. Ilhan Omar is 36 years old mother of 3 yet looks like 24-25 or younger.


Healthy eating and exercise.
Far worse then obesity in terms of ageing is stress, jealousy, envy and gossiping which is a female's past time.

Nothing wrecks ones hormones more then all that relentless negativity over the course of decades, something which most farax's avoid.

Cortisol which is supercharged during 'self induced stress' periods (easily avoidable) significantly slow's down your metabolism causing weight gain.

In our generation it's going to get even worse for our Xalimo's, decades of pouring so many chemicals on their faces in the name of beauty will catch up with them.

I am already seeing the early results of this, so many times have I mistaken a 18/19 year old for 25/26.

This selfie generation have mastered how to self induce stress in great quantities and in the process will wreck themselves to smithereens
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Both actually age very well, back home they all looked very young one ayeeyo I met was 101 years old and she looked no less than 70!!! while cadaans here look like 80yo when they reach 60years.

Not to mention how active they are, mashallah.
Far worse then obesity in terms of ageing is stress, jealousy, envy and gossiping which is a female favourite, all that sustained, self induced negativity takes decades of their looks by wrecking their hormones.

Cortisol which is supercharged during 'self induced stress' periods which is easily avoidable on top of ageing you also significantly slows down your metabolism hence the weight gain.

In our generation it's going to get even worse for all Xalimo's, decades of pouring so many chemicals on their faces in the name of beauty will catch up with them.

I am already seeing the early results of this, so many times have I mistaken a 18/19 year old for 25/26 I kid you not.

This selfie generation have mastered how to self induce stress in great quantities and in the process will wreck themselves to smithereens
:ftw9nwa:Welcome back @Inquisitive_
While Somali women between the age of 30's to 40's become obese old women.They age grossly.







Honestly I hate Somali women but this is false, yes there are some who become obese but most Somali women don’t become obese or age like whites the same goes to Somali men . Basically both Somali men and women don’t age that’s what I am tryna say
It's mostly the struggle they face. Raising several buuq kids,
The food they eat is another factor( sugary food, oily snacks)

No workouts.. A geeljire works out more than a xaliimo does.. be it herding animals, wrestling/lagdin, saar /festival.., so many of it, while a xaliimo most likely stays at home, cooking, taking care of kids

Another thing, this is general. Caano geel is beneficial for the body=geeljires do drink a lot

Smooth skin=caano, moos, etc

But xaliimos have it more difficult than us.

Now if it's abroad, depends on your workout, healthy diet, etc
Do they pasteurise camel milk in somalia? drinking raw milk carries a great health risk.


I will make sure she works out after giving birth. Some women don't take care of themselves after pregnancy then they age quickly because of their obesity. They lack care of their own bodies so I will make sure to book her a female gym and send her ass over there.

Aging because of kids is a terrible excuse for women now.

It is about motivation yaroow.


It is about motivation yaroow.

Edo, I'm a successful man now so I'm not a little boy but one thing I will say is I found a woman who takes care of herself and loves to work out just like me.

Speaking of working out. Didn't you say you're stressed because of Somali men? I thought your husband was a great Somali man. What's going on edo?


Edo, I'm a successful man now so I'm not a little boy but one thing I will say is I found a woman who takes care of herself and loves to work out just like me.

Speaking of working out. Didn't you say you're stressed because of Somali men? I thought your husband was a great Somali man. What's going on over here?
I was speaking in general of course.


I recently met a well spoken/dressed farax at a store, he did not look older than 38 but he turned out to be 57 which shocked me. Living a positive lifestyle reduces stress and increases health, add that to good genetics/diet/exercise and you will slow down aging process. :)


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
Excuse me, cough, cough, *Makeup*, cough, cough.


Her without makeup. :browtf:

Astaghfirullah, why she looks like those egyptian mummies. Wallah makeup is a deceiver or even witchcraft:wow1::kanyehmm: I can't believe this pic compared to her other modeling pics.. Weey kadhamatey, miskiinta


Astaghfirullah, why she looks like those egyptian mummies. Wallah makeup is a deceiver or even witchcraft:wow1::kanyehmm: I can't believe this pic compared to her other modeling pics.. Weey kadhamatey, miskiinta

Now look at Somali men at her age or 10 years older. It's amazing how they look 20 or 30 years younger than her. I think makeup was specifically designed for women because men just look naturally good.
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