Why are somali ppl always up in your business?

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Wallahi somali ppl are so fucking judgmental and always up in your business like wtf? Listen if you don’t agree with my choices move on...
Like i’m a mixed child and my siblings too.. When somali ppl find that out they go off on uns like we did something wrong. And I am not talking about my somali community but outside Somalis when we visit different cities. The say things like “ oh that is not good, you shouldn’t marry outside blablbla” like what I hear is “you shouldn’t have been born” wtf. I understand when a somali living in Somalia says those things but like if you are born in the west shouldn’t your view be different? Like that’s some Nazi germany shit don’t f*ck outside your race/ ethnicity


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Random Somalis come up to you and say you shouldn't marry out? :heh:



Make Hobyo Great Again
My condolences. This is completely wrong. How is it your fault that one of your parents is a miscegenating cuck?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I know Somalis dont beat around the Bush But to say you shouldnt have been born thats bizarre
If Somalis put more effort into their country than being judgemental and always being in other people business, the country would be like Wakanda :mjlol:

Anyone who says those horrible things to you, are evil spirited people and I hope a cargo truck lands over their house! Farax this is for you:it0tdo8:
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