Why are Somali men so skinny and fragile?

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Its both.
The modern Somali diet is absolute shit, but Somali's have always been lean and tall. Now, a lot of Somali's are just skinny fat (which is the worst kind because its mostly stomach fat).
All nomadic pastoralists around the world are slim because they’re usually in a caloric deficit. A study on the Maasai showed that they walk 15KM(!) a day or something. Now, I don’t think Somalis walk that much every day, but our ancestors walked a considerable amount. A high fat and high protein diet also meant that they were also able to retain a lot of muscles.


idk I'm quite muscular so I'm sure that its just a stereotype. There are different body types in all ethnicities. I wish i had the skinny farax genes I gain weight too easily, so I have to be careful of what i eat. The skinny genes are a blessing.
I used to be a skinny faraax when I was younger (like 16-17), hated eating food, sometimes not even eating the whole day and would only eat like twice a day. But I usually had crap energy so I started eating more (4 meals now) and I gained a lot of weight unintentionally (like 20 pounds).

I’m not sure if I gain weight easily or if I just didn’t eat much.
I used to be a skinny faraax when I was younger (like 16-17), hated eating food, sometimes not even eating the whole day and would only eat like twice a day. But I usually had crap energy so I started eating more (4 meals now) and I gained a lot of weight unintentionally (like 20 pounds).

I’m not sure if I gain weight easily or if I just didn’t eat much.
Yeah it was your eating habits. loool. Eating once in a day will result in low fat gain.
I agree and those are our staple foods now.
Weused to live off meat and milk for eons. The Macrobians who lived in the Horn lived for 120 years each on average and were gigantic because of their diet.
I agree with your recommendations. I would also suggest eating more vegetables, but that would require more people to go into farming :cosbyhmm:
True. Don't forget they use to commute a lot by foot. and yes we need to introduce veggie farming back home. More greens, more fruits, more seafood plus caano geel and hilib is like the ultimate diet.

bariis and paasto coupled with sedentary lifestyle in the west is why we see skinny fat faaraxs and out of shape xalimos.


Death Awaits You
idk I'm quite muscular so I'm sure that its just a stereotype. There are different body types in all ethnicities. I wish i had the skinny farax genes I gain weight too easily, so I have to be careful of what i eat. The skinny genes are a blessing.
some people can gain fat easily. being skinny doesn't prevent you from gaining fat. there are some farah who are skinny and some who are skinny fat.
I also gain fat if I don't control my diet.
btw, most farah are weak. it isn't a stereotype. try to compared the physique of somali guys in your neighborhood to europeans or jamaicans physique.


Yeah it was your eating habits. loool. Eating once in a day will result in low fat gain.
It hasn’t gone to my belly though so I guess I’m lucky. Mostly to my shoulders, arms and chests. I got some dumbbells at my house that I use as well though.
some people can gain fat easily. being skinny doesn't prevent you from gaining fat. there are some farah who are skinny and some who are skinny fat.
I also gain fat if I don't control my diet.
btw, most farah are weak. it isn't a stereotype. try to compared the physique of somali guys in your neighborhood to europeans or jamaicans physique.
Speak for yourself you . You’re the one who needs to take steroids because you’re testererone is fucking 415 you beta feminine !


Death Awaits You
Speak for yourself you . You’re the one who needs to take steroids because you’re testererone is fucking 415 you beta feminine !
what triggered you all of a sudden to start bashing me like that you habesha slave. do Ethiopian soldiers keep raping your women you pathetic onlf sympathizer ?
I bet you're too weak to stand up against habesha soldiers when they are killing your people and raping your sisters.

btw, I'm 198lb with 10% body fat. I do take steroids to improve muscle gains and my people don't have any beef with Ethiopians. in fact, we have good relationship with them and their fine ass exotic women.
It is genetics or lifestyle or environments?

I never seen a jacked, muscular, or buff Somali guy in my life and I live in Minnesota.

Its very rare to see a somali guy with Anthony Joshua's physique


You really want to compare us to a professional boxer, a heavyweight champion WTF what if I compared u to a supermodel? Ur stoopid
what triggered you all of a sudden to start bashing me like that you habesha slave. do Ethiopian soldiers keep raping your women you pathetic onlf sympathizer ?
I bet you're too weak to stand up against habesha soldiers when they are killing your people and raping your sisters.

btw, I'm 198lb with 10% body fat. I do take steroids to improve muscle gains and my people don't have any beef with Ethiopians. in fact, we have good relationship with them and their fine ass exotic women.

Those women don't think you're exotic :bell:
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