Why are Somali men so skinny and fragile?

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This shit again. There are three reasons you will never see or most likely see a farax like this. One is diet, our diet is usually filled with carbs and sugar and that wont go hand in hand with building muscle and shedding fat.

Second is genetics. Even with all the right foods and training, genetics will play a huge part in hown you build your body.

Last one is excersice. This is something specially the xalimos lack way more then faraxs. Most off xalimos i know skipped gym and physical education classes. If u want to build muscle you must follow a strenght regiment that will allow you to build muscle.

Lets be honest, AJ is a freak athlete. Dont matter what race or nationality, nobody should expect someone took look like a genetical gifted world class athlete.
Anthony Joshua is a former Olympic and Professional heavyweight boxer, you dumb bimbo. Can you explain to me why most Somali girls look like Shrek in a Niqab and Abaya? Why can't you go to gym like cadaan girls and other Muslim girls?

Can you explain to me why most Somali girls have the physique of a jelly-baby?
lol @ fragile, geeljires I know whether they are fat or skinny have the most heart, Madows are muscular but they never back beef


Death Awaits You
it's a combination of genetics and diet but most xalimos are OK with skinny farahs or weak chubby farahs with calool.
xalimos aren't actually superficial in general. back home, girls will settle with a haunch back midget as long as he can financially support them and most xalimos in the west care about a good facial feature. it's funny because white girls are quiet superficial.
I guess I'm well above average cause I got bunch of white girls chasing after me.


Hiraab Commander
Somali men are destined too look either like twigs or twigs on steroids
You must be retarded to think like that. One individual that is worldclass athlete versus typical Somali male. Every Somali male can hit the gym and change their physique. Can't say the same for you. Its just pushing your limits:
Asking for a Somali guy who's physically fit and muscular is like shooting for the stars. Hence why most Somali girls settle for a guy who's more facially attractive- the chances of finding that is higher.
Its both.
The modern Somali diet is absolute shit, but Somali's have always been lean and tall. Now, a lot of Somali's are just skinny fat (which is the worst kind because its mostly stomach fat).
Its both.
The modern Somali diet is absolute shit, but Somali's have always been lean and tall. Now, a lot of Somali's are just skinny fat (which is the worst kind because its mostly stomach fat).
blame the introduction of pasta and bariis into our cuisine(do we even have one).

Somali diet should be changed to meat, seafood, veggie and dairy and ocassional cambuulo and soor. Forget the bariis, pasto and all forms of wheat, no qamandi, no tea, no sugar of any kind. in a generation or two, u'll need to look hard to see malnourished abdis.
blame the introduction of pasta and bariis into our cuisine(do we even have one).

Somali diet should be changed to meat, seafood, veggie and dairy and ocassional cambuulo and soor. Forget the bariis, pasto and all forms of wheat, no qamandi, no tea, no sugar of any kind. in a generation or two, u'll need to look hard to see malnourished abdis.
I agree and those are our staple foods now.
Weused to live off meat and milk for eons. The Macrobians who lived in the Horn lived for 120 years each on average and were gigantic because of their diet.
I agree with your recommendations. I would also suggest eating more vegetables, but that would require more people to go into farming :cosbyhmm:
idk I'm quite muscular so I'm sure that its just a stereotype. There are different body types in all ethnicities. I wish i had the skinny farax genes I gain weight too easily, so I have to be careful of what i eat. The skinny genes are a blessing.
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