Why are Indians hated everywhere ? Do they deserve it


Staff Member
ppl are racist and it's wrong. hate should be against mushrikeen (but even then without wronging them) and especially against mushrikeen who oppress Muslims... but no one should ever mistreat someone or act in a wrong way towards someone simply because of their race

You would become racist too if you had to deal with a very large Indian population.

I remember when I was a kid I think the world seemed much less racist. I believe overt racism was less of a thing in the early 2000's. I think it's become more of a thing lately. society has gotten way more degenerate and I believe along with the more general degeneration has come the normalization of overt racism.

The only racism I saw then was in TV shows and in class where the teacher would join in on a racist joke. But you're right, overt racism was rare. The left is to blame.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
But you're right, overt racism was rare. The left is to blame.

I was thinking the same thing before you even said it. Because society could have been having all these race wars much sooner but back then it was taboo to really openly talk about race. "Race? I don't see race". We all saw race but it was the trend to pretend you didn't. And it was flawed but it was much better.

Then... at least here in the US, Obama came along and it became "let's talk about race". Before it was "let's NOT talk about race". Instead it became "let's talk about race," "let's keep talking about race", "let's keep talking about race" and now seemingly a million years later we're still talking about it. The result is being bogged down in endless race wars.

This is all part of a conspiracy against us the ordinary people. We can never work together and act as one body because we all have fight endless race and gender wars.

The existence of hell is not only justified but necessary. We are run by such evil people, clearly they deserve it.

edit: to be fair, Trump also played a big role in all this as well... Obama from the left and Trump from the right

