who will you be?

READ BEFORE ANSWERING POLL!! be honest. did you max yourself dood

  • no.

  • yes(lie)

  • no but i reeeeeally tried :((((

  • i didnt even do it.(better than lying)

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modern society (which we are all apart of but all to easy to blame) tries to undermine and replace the biological role of the man with the state. And it has worked to disastrous results.

this is an attempt to feminize and thereby emasculate men

These pacified weakened men now constitute the majority and we are all apart of them.

Your ancestors were chosen out of a pool of many other competitors for millions and millions and millions and millions of years.

And here you are, the result of 4 billion years of evolution.

The truth of the matter is that men were created to suffer.

We are sharpened by the pain we experience.

Men were born to fight.

Men were born to explore.

Men were born to act.

Nietzsche once said:

“every creation requires some form of destruction. The Ubermench is aware that his life will end in annihilation so he overcomes the plain will to live and rather embraces the:

Will to power.

He shapes his environment through force to create something that will long outlast his short existence.

But to do that he has to willingly accept enduring pain, suffering and destruction as part of the process.”

The phoenix is a good analogy to use. It burns atop a fire and rises from its own ashes.

this will be you the fire will be the actions you take.

and the price for willingly accepting the pain of burning away? Is to own yourself, a disciplined man who has reached his potential to the fullest.

This will not be easy; you will wage war with yourself and few things will keep you sane. Your mind currently has you in chains.

But when the battle is over you will have your mind, body and spirit in chains and you will be the only person who will ever hold those chains lest the invader be ripped apart by the hungry wolves you now possess.

“the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.”​

If you have started this journey already you might believe you are in control of yourself.

I think you are full of shit sxb

No? well prove me wrong:

Try doing some pushups and then return to this text.

Yes, I meant now.

You gave up didn’t you? You could do one more, but you didn’t you even though you should logically know that pain is the backbone of all human accomplishment.

You must release yourself of the chains you have spent a lifetime locking as you stared at a screen. It will be hard at first but what do you have to lose?

I have and would begin by:​

Stop masturbating. This is the first thing you need to cut out and this will be quite hard as masturbating is like crack especially in this corona period so begin by only doing it at the end of the day WITH NOOOOOOOO OGRAPHY that shit is self-castration except it takes 10 years - 15 years to cut your dick off with immediate negative side effects.

Get enough seep and food and you will feel invincible and ready to take on the day. (This will be expanded on as I had to go for a while without a stable food source but I am good now.)

Stop consuming. Netflix, anime, videogames all this is bullshit and you are only wasting your time, when you are 80 will you think back with pride towards binge watching a Netflix series or regret such a wasted existence?

Start creating. Take up a hobby. This could be anything, football, martial arts(the holy grail imo), programming, writing, painting, fucking ballet does matter but in general you should try to cover:

Something physically stimulating: such as any sport but I recommend martial arts for the ones who want the fastest results kicked into their brain ;)

Something mentally stimulating: programing, learning a new language, reading philosophy, learn about finances etc

(^----this is a common pitfall for many guys as they often sit there never having used their new skill, if you’re learning to program try to see if you can benefit from it in real life by adding into a resume for example. if you learn Russian try to expand and challenge yourself by reading Russian cont)

Something creatively stimulating: drawing, writing, pottery, painting, etc usually a creatively stimulating activity Is also mentally stimulating.

(later I will cover how sacrifice manifests itself in your inter-personal life. but as an internet addicted time wasting emasculated male this is already a pretty good sacrifice and you will be on your way in no time.)

the point is you are creating and not consuming.

And I believe this message is easier to tell religious people. The incentive being that god is watching, that your life inherently has purpose (beyond the one you grab from deep within yourself) and that you have an existential value that no man can take away from you. However:

If god isn’t real, we are faced with two options:

  • We can either escape from reality (impossible unless you are religious in which case you will live miserably writing for your death, want to see what that looks like? Look at the west. They sure seem thrilled)
  • Or face the fact that nobody will save you. You must save yourself.
Many men realize this, and they begin to resist the pressure of society by escaping into intellectual topics and meaningless consumption of media. Indeed some men will not be pacified and try to learn and improve themselves and ironically enough end up intellectually masturbating their ego and accomplishing nothing except making a mockery of your existence by being aware of the steps you could take to change and yet not acting the ultimate shame.

Only one option……

You must save yourself.

To choose this one will have to be clear minded and brave I will write more on how, but keep in mind I am learning and integrating this into my life as I go. Fear however will only lull you back to option one and then suddenly it has been a day then a week then a month then a year then a decade and then an entire life.

No, No, not a life…..…a looong existence.

A waste.

And then the funniest cosmic punchline of all:

you die.

not as a man who carved his name into the world.

But one that was owned by it.

so i ask you again..

Who will you be?


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I'm also 13 so I got time brutha
listen brother, i only started getting interested in this at 16, currently at 18 and even though i have been absorbing for 2 years its nothing if i just read and dont act action is the best teacher. a man must live the truth if you believe something you must be a symbol of WHY its true. dont worry about others and as long as you're keeping up with studies (i know you hear it all the time but its true) and stay physically active you will be fine. keep your head up young king you got this!!!

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Nietzsche's stuff is garbage. You can exercise and eat healthy, you don't need to get into weird Nietzsche philosophy.


halal and earthy
I peep it. In this day and age men are feminized and women are masculine it's gross and funky.

The Prophet (May peace be upon him) cursed effeminate men (mukhannathan) and women who imitated men, saying: Put them out of your houses, and put so-and-so out.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement

Stop consuming. Netflix, anime, videogames all this is bullshit and you are only wasting your time, when you are 80 will you think back with pride towards binge watching a Netflix series or regret such a wasted existence?
Nigga that's boring I already got to deal with a qashiin pandemic where I can't go outside & do fuckshit after a long day of getting these 90's in my courses now I gotta give up this shit nah fam no can do :ufdup:

