Who are the Khawarij - Faris Al Hammadi

Another good thing I saw that is the first version of khawarij are very close in term of ideology with the quranist and have no respect for the prophet and his companions.

And subhanallah when you read history you wouldn't find a khawarij state which last long look to the qaramids and rustumids and azariqa and many more.

These people hate everyone and hate themselves so it's hard to live with them.

The prophet said

إنَّ هذا الدينَ يسرٌ، ولن يشادَّ الدينَ أحدٌ إلا غلبهُ، فسدِّدوا وقارِبوا وأبشِروا ويسِّروا واستعينُوا بالغَدوةِ والروحةِ وشيءٍ من الدُّلجةِ​

الراوي : أبو هريرة | المحدث : الألباني | المصدر : صحيح النسائي | الصفحة أو الرقم : 5049 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : صحيح
A madkhali who's purposfully misinforming his followrs of what Khawaraj are.

They still exist today and mostly found in Oman who are called Ibadia الاباضية and it's the national sect of the sultanate.
