Who Are the ”Madkhalis”?


In a recent article, we wrote about the Islamic Awakening Movement (also known as the “Sahwa”), a social protest movement that arose in Saudi Arabia during the ’90s as a reaction to the government’s decision to allow American troops into the land of the Two Holy Mosques.

The state cracked down hard on the movement, which included imprisoning its leaders as well as hundreds of its supporters. However, there was a more subversive strategy employed by the Saudi Government, one that was more effective at weakening the appeal of the Sahwa Movement.

With the emergence of “countermovements,” which were actively supported by the government, they were able to weaken the appeal of the protests and divert people’s attention away from criticizing and critiquing the royal family and, instead, getting them to focus on creating divisions between different Muslim groups.

One such countermovement is that of the so called “Madkhalis” or “Jamis” as they are also known, referred to as such after the name of their founder, Muhammad Aman al-Jami. They have also been known as “the scholars (‘ulama’) of Madinah,” due to the most eminent among them having been based there, primarily at the Islamic University.[1]

Who are the “Madkhalis”?

How did they originate and why?

And were they really a created by the Saudi secret police?

These are the questions that we will be exploring in the course of this brief article.

The Age-Old Question: Da’wah or Politics?​

Shaykh Rabi’ bin Hadi al-Madkhali is its most well-known figure, right up to this very day. He was born in 1931, and he taught until the late 1990s in the Faculty of Hadith at the Islamic University of Madina. As a student of al-Albani, in the 1970s he had briefly joined the group known as Al-Jama’at al-Salafiyyat al-Muhtasibah (this was, of course, Juhayman al-Otaybi’s group).[2]

After the disastrous 1979 siege of Makkah, al-Madkhali had somehow managed to not go to prison, and, thereafter, he had demonstrated an immense sense of loyalty towards the regime. In the late 1980s, he made a name for himself within the Saudi religious field through his authorship of a book entitled The Method Followed by the Prophets in Religious Preaching Contains Wisdom and Reason. Herein he argued that the priority in matters of da’wah should be the purification of the Muslim creed (‘aqidah).[3]

This cuts right down to the core of Muslim disagreement in the modern age—the battle between those who say we must first secure a strong political structure which will protect the Muslims and those who say we must first educate the people on correct beliefs and then turn our focus to the government thereafter.

RELATED: [WATCH] Saajid Lipham and the Madkhali Virus

The first group believes that securing a strong political entity will also rectify the problem of a lack of knowledge among the population (this is because you gain control of the educational institutions). The latter group, on the other hand, believes that by correcting wrong beliefs, this will somehow manage to end up trickling upwards and impact the government.

A Creation of the Secret Police or a Mere Tool of the Government?​

As tensions between the Sahwa Movement and the Saudi government intensified, al-Madkhali was one of the first among the fraternity of religious scholars to openly criticize the Sahwa Movement and their scholars. He was soon joined in his criticism by other figures who were loyal to the royal family, and thus the Madkhali movement was formed.

In return for their loyalty, the Saudi government provided a huge amount of support towards this new countermovement, notably through the minister of the interior, Prince Nayef:

“The significant material and institutional resources it soon had at its disposal made it attractive to those who felt marginalized in the social arena or in the religious field”.[4]
The Madkhalis focused on two things, namely fierce opposition against the Sahwa; and demonstrating intense loyalty to the Saudi royal family. They labelled the Sahwis as Muslim Brotherhood and accused them of having deviant ‘aqidah despite the Sahwis themselves identifying as belonging to the same Athari creed. Safar al-Hawali had actually even dedicated entire books to denouncing what he deemed to be the “deviations” of Sufis and Ash’aris.[5]

To get around this obvious problem, the Madkhalis introduced a new distinction:

“These Sahwis may be ‘salafis’ in terms of creed (‘aqidah), but their methodology (manhaj) is not orthodox.”
In other words: These Muslims may very well have sound ‘aqidah according to us, but the methods they employ are blameworthy innovations (bida’), thus they are not true ‘salafis’ like us.[6]

The Madkhalis also targeted the Sahwis’ interest in politics, which had allegedly turned them away from ‘ilm (sacred knowledge). To the Madkhalis, obedience to the government was an absolute obligation. They denounced the Sahwis’ hostility towards existing regimes and accused them of hizbiyyah, i.e., factionalism. The Madkhalis’ eagerness to support the Saudi regime led Sahwi leaders to mockingly accuse them of being a “party of the rulers” (hizb al-wulat).[7]

The Madkhalis’ principal form of action was to produce dozens of refutations (rudud) against the writings and declarations of the Sahwi scholars. The Madkhalis also increased in their public lectures with the support of the authorities, who hastened to secure venues for them to lecture at. This went to the extent that they actually imposed themselves within the mosque where Safar al-Hawali would regularly teach.

On a particular occasion, al-Suhaymi and Abd al-Razzaq al-‘Abbad (two Madkhali scholars) were sent to Buraydah by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs to uphold the Madkhali line when they were interrupted, while preaching, by young Sahwis who had cut the electricity, disabling the loudspeaker and chanting:

“Buraydah rejects you, you [Madkhali]!”[8]
The Madkhalis also made a habit of writing reports on their opponents, which they would then send to the secret police. They urged for cooperation with the secret police, with the aim of encouraging them to act against their rivals. One such report was instrumental in convincing the Saudi government to support the Madkhalis.

The report in question is titled: The Secret World Organization, between Planning and Application in Saudi Arabia – Documents and Facts. Its authors identify themselves as “the loyal salafis” and denounce the existence of a secret Islamist organization inspired by the ideology of Sayyid Qutb, which they allege had the goal of overthrowing the regime. Within this report, they went so far as to accuse the Sahwa of having ties with foreign groups and urged the government to put an end to the activities of the organization.[9]

Based on the above, it can perhaps be concluded that the Madkhali countermovement really was a creation of the Saudi secret police, who viewed it as a chance to use the group in order to deter criticism away from the regime. Furthermore, it can be said that even if the Saudi intelligence community did not have a direct hand in the creation of the group, nonetheless the movement did, whether knowingly or unknowingly, serve as a convenient tool in the hands of government, one that was used to deflect criticism away from them.

RELATED: A Response to Supposed “Islamic” Objections Against Khilafah

Anyone who uses the term "Madkhali" or "Jamis" is either ignorant or intentionally misleading, I advise you reconsider this posting you've made and learn more on your own and leave this Haqiqatjou, he's a deviant and will lead you nowhere good.

"After the disastrous 1979 siege of Makkah, al-Madkhali had somehow managed to not go to prison, and, thereafter, he had demonstrated an immense sense of loyalty towards the regime. In the late 1980s, he made a name for himself within the Saudi religious field through his authorship of a book entitled The Method Followed by the Prophets in Religious Preaching Contains Wisdom and Reason. Herein he argued that the priority in matters of da’wah should be the purification of the Muslim creed (‘aqidah).[3]"

Many people of knowledge were falsely attributed to the 1979 siege, do you think sheikh Muqbil was rightfully imprisoned?

"The Madkhalis focused on two things, namely fierce opposition against the Sahwa; and demonstrating intense loyalty to the Saudi royal family. They labelled the Sahwis as Muslim Brotherhood and accused them of having deviant ‘aqidah despite the Sahwis themselves identifying as belonging to the same Athari creed. Safar al-Hawali had actually even dedicated entire books to denouncing what he deemed to be the “deviations” of Sufis and Ash’aris.[5]"

Sahwis believe that all Muslim Rulers are kaafir, do you really want to hold this position? I hope you realize without me explaining how ridiculous this notion would be, and yes their aqeedah is without a doubt deviant as its been influence by Qutbis the khawarij heads claiming to be "salafi".

"On a particular occasion, al-Suhaymi and Abd al-Razzaq al-‘Abbad (two Madkhali scholars) ..."

Pathetic slander of our scholars, does this make Salih al Fawzan a Madkhali? Or how about bin Uthaymeen? Can you explain the usool of Madkhalism? If its obedience to the Saudi kingdom then basically every scholar of ahlul sunnah becomes Madkhali (according to you).

There's more to sift through but inshallah you realize how foolish this all sounds and you leave your hizbiyyah for this random guy on the internet whispering into your ear, every scholar of ahlul sunnah speaks highly of Mohammad al Jami and Rabee al Madkhali. Are you going to make tabdee on them all?
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I refuse to engage in any twitter spats or back and forths or scoop so low to them, I categorically don’t engage in twitter storms.
I will release a 3 hour podcast that was recorded last Saturday before any of these controversies came about dealing with this narrow minded thought process and misunderstood way of the “salaf” on issues that are open for discussion & ijtihaad. There is clearly a witch hunt on by some of the extremists who are burning to see thousands attending the gatherings. I refuse to give in, and inshallah that podcast will put some of these issues to bed once and for all, issues that have destroyed communities and brotherhood, issues that have turned loved ones against one another, issues that have destroyed marriages, and then we will see who is truly following Islam accordingly and the way of the “salaf” and the major scholars of this era and the past. May Allah bless all those well mannered brothers & sisters who always verify and have good thoughts of their Ustadhs.

Below is a video of shaykh fawzan one scholars these extremists take from, inshalalh more will be released in that podcast.

As for now, Is shaykh fawzan a “mumayi” (watered down) for answering like this?

Madkhalis falsely claim that their dawah centers on Tawhid

However, no group in the Muslim world is more willing to defend outright shirk in Muslim lands than they are.

If the government of a Muslim land establishes polytheist temples everywhere (and even bulldozes all masjids), all Muslim groups will verbally condemn this as haram.

Madkhalis are the only group that will say:

"It is forbidden to verbally condemn the government for building polytheist temples and bulldozing all masjids! You are a khariji apostate/deviant and deserve to be killed because you criticized the government! The most important principle of Ahl al-Sunna's aqida is that the government should never EVER be criticized, even it spreads shirk throughout the land and replaces every masjid with a polytheist temple!"

The Madkhalis claim to be defenders of Tawhid, but their actions indicate that they are defenders of outright polytheism (e.g., Hindu penis idol worship).

Suppose that we rank all governments on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 representing complete rejection of Islam/Sharia and 10 representing full implementation of Islam/Sharia.

A political leader who moves his government from 0 to 4 is better than a political leader who moves his government from 10 to 6.

For the first political leader has worked towards more implementation of Islam/Sharia, in a situation where circumstances make immediate implementation or full implementation impossible.

Meanwhile, the second political leader (who has moved his government from 10 to 6) has worked towards eliminating Islam/Sharia in his society.

Remember that even the Prophet (saw) only gradually established an Islamic government between the Makkan and Madinan periods. Similarly, throughout history, Muslim political leaders followed a similar strategy (e.g., in West Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia). As the people of the region converted, Muslim political leaders gradually established an Islamic government in multiple phases.

Whenever evaluating political leaders, we cannot simply look at the current state of their governments. We must look at the direction in which these political leaders are moving their governments.

Madkhalis spread confusion on this matter. They claim that the leader who moves the government from 10 to 6 is equal to, or even better than, the leader who moves the government from 0 to 4. They justify by saying that the first leader rules over a government with a ranking of 6, while the latter rules over a government with an inferior ranking of 4.

The Salaf also insisted that scholars should maintain a great distance from governments. Meanwhile Madkhali shaykhs (e.g., Mandakar, al-Fifi, al-Rayyis) claim that it is praiseworthy for religious scholars to secretly work for government intelligence agencies, spy on Muslim populations, and spread government propaganda.

The Madkhalis go on endlessly about the need to maintain a great distance from other Muslims who they claim are Ahl al-Bid'a, but they ignore and deny the teachings of the Salaf on the need to maintain a great distance from governments.

The Madkhalis hate @AbuTaymiyyahMJ because it is evident he has moral integrity and independence from governments. So they have embarked on a coordinated campaign to destroy him.

In fact, one of the main aims of the Madkhali movement is to destroy all religious scholars who do not submit to orders from particular governments. (Madkhalis assume that these governments own Islam.)

This is why Madkhalis never attack non-Muslims and instead spend all their time stabbing other Muslims in the back, lying about them, making takfir of them, and falsely accusing them of terrorism.


@Farishammadi has gradually shown his true colours, since he crawled onto the social media sphere. Out of all the Madkhali (Randkhalis) this individual is probably the most deceitful out of them all!. Everything from desperately defending and bootlicking for gulf leaders, to attacking other duat, to constant double standards & hypocrisy where he says one thing yet does the opposite, like for instance warning against taking selfies with social media influencers, yet once these very same influencers jumped into his lap it was evident to see Agent Faris saw this as an opportunity to gain some clout and increase his influence!. Stay tuned!


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