White People Love Dogs More Than Their Own Children! This Is Why Their Birth Rates Are In The Mud!


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I mean What's the point of raising a wecel that'll throw you in a nursing the minute you slightly inconvenience him?
Their birthrates are gonna keep plummeting while we mass produce 10000 brandnew abdis n halimos a day


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
New western gen Somali guys and girls are having 1 or 2 kids. Not like a parent generation with 5 kids
Thats cus of the nuclear family thing. I dont want that. I’ll dump my kids on their ayeeyo probably
These people like to lie to themselves. Multiple dogs in enclosed public spaces are so much more of a nuisance than any amount of children - I say this as someone who likes to keep dogs as pets. It's that corny 'millennial child-hating humour' they got going on.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
These people like to lie to themselves. Multiple dogs in enclosed public spaces are so much more of a nuisance than any amount of children - I say this as someone who likes to keep dogs as pets. It's that corny 'millennial child-hating humour' they got going on.

You got dogs?? Every day this forum surprises me, would have never thought you had them.
You got dogs?? Every day this forum surprises me, would have never thought you had them.
Dogs are rather common in certain Somali and Egyptian communities. My grandpa back in the day in Somalia had a dog. One of my close friends who is Egyptian corgi had a liter and he gave me one. Hooyo argued for a while then i brought up awoowe dog and she had no arguments. My corgi is named Caleb by the way for a certain reason.
Dogs are rather common in certain Somali and Egyptian communities. My grandpa back in the day in Somalia had a dog. One of my close friends who is Egyptian corgi had a liter and he gave me one. Hooyo argued for a while then i brought up awoowe dog and she had no arguments. My corgi is named Caleb by the way for a certain reason.
Are you from America/Canada? I think it's a bit more normalized for those of us who live in North America. I know of a lot of Muslim families with dogs.
Are you from America/Canada? I think it's a bit more normalized for those of us who live in North America. I know of a lot of Muslim families with dogs.
America and yes it common but not in region where there is too much Somali people due to too much peer pressure they will literally make you hate what you like. I person cant see myself not having Caleb. A lot of Somali people get stuck in the Somali friend groups and dont have away to relate to other groups of people due to not having commonalities.


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