Which schools of Aqeedah do you subscribe too?

Which schools of Aqeedah do you subscribe to?

  • Batniyyah (Aqeedah of some Twelver Shias & Ismailis)

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  • Zaydi (close to Mu’tazila with a Shia twist)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Imami-Ismā'īlīs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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@Garaad Awal you follow Hanafi? :hmm:So if you make wuduu and accidentally touch a woman’s body your wuduu is still valid and not broken? I would have to make wuduu it’s not valid if my skin came into contact with a woman’s skin.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
Empires/Kingdoms led by Maturidis:

Seljuk Empire (with the likes of Alp Arsalan who opened Anatolia/modern Turkey at the battle of Manzikert):


Sultan Alp Arsalan after Battle of Manzikert where he destroyed the Byzantine Empire and captured their emperor alive


Emperor Aurangzeb ruled during the peak of Mughal power and was the most fervent Emperor of the dynasty:

Ottoman Sultanate/Caliphate:

Sultan Mehmet “The Conqueror” entering Constantinople and fulfilling the Hadith of Sayyiduna Muhammad (SAW)
the others(referring to maturidiyyah and ash'ariyyah specifically here. twelvers are a whole other diiscussion) deny sifat of Allah. So they say Allah's Hand does not refer to a real Hand but rather His Might or something like that. While the correct stance is to affirm that which Allah and His messenger have affirmed without interpreting it how. What we can say though is that for example when it comes to the Hand of Allah, that it is unlike His creation and in a manner that befits His Majesty.

Same goes for the Qur'an, it is the Speech of Allah and it is uncreated. So Allah speaks in a manner that befits His Majesty and unlike His creation.

the best thing to do when it comes to the attributes of Allah is to affirm them wihout asking how or trying to figure it out. Affirm it and say that it is in a manner that befits the Majesty of our Lord and that it is unlike His creation in any way
How did you guys go about selecting an aqeedah to subscribe to instead of others? I'm curious to know how people approached it.

As for your question, I think I fit closest to the Ashari school of thought since most opinions I take from very practicing Somalis around me are from the Maliki and Shafi madhabs.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
How did you guys go about selecting an aqeedah to subscribe to instead of others? I'm curious to know how people approached it.
Study the different Aqeedah via books & lectures available online and choose which Aqeedah makes the most sense. I studied all the major Aqeedah of the Ahlul Sunnah including the extinct Mu’tazila. I also studied the Zaydis & the Twelver Shias. Athari made zero sense to me as it is extremely literalist (hence why they are Anthropomorphists) & their Aqeedah is completely opposed to rationalistic methods.

I went from being an Salafist-Athari to Mu’tazila to Maturidi (also I only follow the opinions of the Hanafi madhab which is the oldest madhab)
As for your question, I thinkI fit closest to the Ashari school of thought since most opinions I take from very practicing Somalis around me are from the Maliki and Shafi madhabs.
Fiqh/Madhab has nothing to do with Aqeedah. I only mentioned the madhaahib because scholars of some schools are dominated by a specific madhab. Majority of Muslim laymen don’t really know these terms (mentioned in the poll) or the differences between them.
Study the different Aqeedah via books & lectures available online and choose which Aqeedah makes the most sense. I studied all the major Aqeedah of the Ahlul Sunnah including the extinct Mu’tazila. I also studied the Zaydis & the Twelver Shias. Athari made zero sense to me as it is extremely literalist (hence why they are Anthropomorphists) & their Aqeedah is completely opposed to rationalistic methods.

I went from being an Salafist-Athari to Mu’tazila to Maturidi (also I only follow the opinions of the Hanafi madhab which is the oldest madhab)
Fiqh/Madhab has nothing to do with Aqeedah. I only mentioned the madhaahib because scholars of some schools are dominated by a specific madhab. Majority of Muslim laymen don’t really know these terms (mentioned in the poll) or the differences between them.
Bookmarking this for future reference, mahadsanid.
Even though I would consider myself to be mostly Atheri I tend to lean into Ashari in terms of Allah's characters (Sifaat). Despite Atheris denying any assimilation of Allah to his creatures (Tashbeh) I feel like they're unintentionally doing it by authenticating controversial Hadith that many scholars reject which is the Prophet pbuh seeing his God in a form of a beardless young man and stating that Allah has eyes, hands, a face and legs physically and not metaphorically as Ashari believe in.
How did you guys go about selecting an aqeedah to subscribe to instead of others? I'm curious to know how people approached it.

As for your question, I think I fit closest to the Ashari school of thought since most opinions I take from very practicing Somalis around me are from the Maliki and Shafi madhabs.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also described them in the following terms: “My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of whom will be in Hell except one group.” They said: Who are they, O Messenger of Allah? He said: “(Those who follow) that which I and my companions follow.” This is mentioned in the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr which was recorded and classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi (2641). It was also classed as hasan by al-‘Iraaqi in Ahkaam al-Quran (3/432), al-‘Iraaqi in Takhreej al-Ihya’ (3/284) and al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.

This is the clearest sign that the one can use to determine what is the saved group, so he should follow the way of the majority of scholars, those whom all the people testify are trustworthy and religiously-committed, and he should follow the way of the earlier scholars among the Sahaabah, Taabi’een and the four Imams and other scholars, and he should beware of every sect that differs from the main body of Muslims (jamaa’ah) by following innovation (bid’ah).

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

The sign of the people of bid’ah is that they do not follow the salaf. End quote from Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (4/155).

He also said (3/346): The sign of these groups – i.e., the seventy-two groups that go against Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah – is that they forsake the Quran, Sunnah and scholarly consensus. The one who follows the Quran, Sunnah and scholarly consensus is one of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah.

We know the raafidas are commiting shirk and going against the quran by slandering the campions and overzealousness with Ali RA

During the time of the sahaba a sect called
qadariyyah said that humans have complete free will and denied the qadr of allah.

Abdullah ibn Umar said:

“When you happen to meet such people tell them that I have nothing to do with them and they have nothing to do with me. And verily they are in no way responsible for my (belief).”

Believe in what the prophet sallahu alayi wa salaam and the best generations believed in and you’ll be saved. Don’t believe in what your ancestors believed in like sufism just because “muh history”

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
Been reading up on the Twelver beliefs out of curiosity recently.
It’s basically a cult that worships the Ahlul Bayt while waiting for a Mahdi that disappeared 1000 years ago. They have too many polytheistic ideas in their sect. The Zaydi are much better and the Ismailis are imo not Muslims but an offshoot religion like the Druze,Alawites etc.
Study the different Aqeedah via books & lectures available online and choose which Aqeedah makes the most sense. I studied all the major Aqeedah of the Ahlul Sunnah including the extinct Mu’tazila. I also studied the Zaydis & the Twelver Shias. Athari made zero sense to me as it is extremely literalist (hence why they are Anthropomorphists) & their Aqeedah is completely opposed to rationalistic methods.

I went from being an Salafist-Athari to Mu’tazila to Maturidi (also I only follow the opinions of the Hanafi madhab which is the oldest madhab)

Fiqh/Madhab has nothing to do with Aqeedah. I only mentioned the madhaahib because scholars of some schools are dominated by a specific madhab. Majority of Muslim laymen don’t really know these terms (mentioned in the poll) or the differences between them.
this is just completely incorrect. Atharis/salafis say that they affirm what Allah and His messenger have affirmed without adding anything to it. They also affirm that there is nothing like unto Allah as Allah says in 42:11 or 112:4.


While ash'aris or maturidis for example deny that for example the "Hands" mentioned in this verse refer to actual Hands. Salafis/Atharis affirm that Allah has Hands but DEFINITELY UNLIKE HUMAN HANDS. And that they are in a manner that befits His majesty

Likening Allah to His creation by for example antropomorphism is kufr and if the conditions of takfir apply this makes you a kafir. Salafis and Atharis also believe this of course but this is definitely not antropomorphism.

why is it that the Ash'aris and Maturidis(those that I've seen) always misrepresent what salafis and atharis believe?