Where does the “cheap and clean” myth come from?

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It’s some shit incels made up. Incels have had a problem speaking to Somali women for a long time and all they do is respond with insults. Proof of this is in somnet.com/archives. Forums that goes back to ‘99 are mostly about Abdis expressing being sexually frustrated.
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I remember that term used in 2018 on here. People were wilder back then, different place.

I never cared to ask what it specifically meant. I understood the context. But somehow, cheap and clean makes me think of a name of a cheap carwash business run by immigrants or something. You know what I'm saying?
I find that it’s not true whatsoever lol. Somali women are notoriously hard to get for a man who is not Somali. Madow guys stay complaining about it on twitter and their message forums lol. And even if ajnabi do manage to date a somali woman we put a lot of conditions onto them bc of our deen (such as no sex before marriage etc) that they find its not really worth it to be with us unless they’re serious about us and want to marry.

In comparison, carab and brown girls are very easy especially towards white men. The amount of Arab and Pakistani girls I know in my city with white bfs is crazy lol. Their culture seems more conservative but their conduct really isn’t conservative in the slightest. Only half of them are the religious kind and the rest act like gaalo

So where does this weird stereotype come from? Somali women are mostly chaste
Nobody is more out of touch with reality than a somali's own view about Somalis.

Sure, Xalimos rejecting anyone & everyone & wait only for their king farax :mjlol:
When it comes to somali men sspot xalimos all of a sudden know all the
low achievers ,uneducated, drug dealers with criminal records , ciyaal suuq rappers , doing zina & deadbeats.

When you ask them about xalimos they only know angels
that never talked to a man . :russ: :dead:
When you ask a sspot farax about xalimos he only knows feminists ,dh!los ,cheap and clean & BLM merchants.

When you ask him about the average farax he only knows noble macrobian hard working faraxs ,on deen & educated . :dead:

One of saddest period of Somali history. Xalimos viciously tried to cuck us. You weren’t member here when Somali girls use to join this site in order to get informed on which ethnicity to date. They literally wanted us to recommend them to other ethnicities. Nacalaa. We fought back, struck even harder.

Xalimos tried to bury us alive, but cadaan queens came to our rescue. We love you too, Rachel. A friend in need in a friend indeed. Women like Rachel were there for us during our hardest period.

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all my brothers are married to revert Becky's and they all smell like Starbucks and cinnamon pumpkin spice and wear the hijab .

When you ask a sspot farax about xalimos he only knows feminists ,dh!los ,cheap and clean & BLM merchants.

When you ask him about the average farax he only knows noble macrobian hard working faraxs ,on deen & educated . :dead:

But where's the lie MY BRUTHA
It’s some shit incels made up. Incels have had a problem speaking to Somali women for a long time and all they do is respond with insults. Proof of this is in somnet.com/archives. Forums that goes back to ‘99 are mostly about Abdis expressing being sexually frustrated.

I heard the term started in Canada and UK. Waxaa la yiri gabdhaha ajnabiga ayay u fududeyn jireen oo ku aasi jirey. Dabadeed ajnabigii ayaa ka sheekeeyey oo yiri waa cheap oo waxba kaama rabaan, waana clean oo ma uraan maadaama ay kaadida iska dhaqaan.

Waxaa kaloo la yiri waxay ajnabiga ugy fududeynayeen maadaama aaney nimanka ajnabiga sheegaynin. Yacni waxay ahaayeen qarsatooyin.

p.s., qarsatooyin waa naagaha nimanka ajnabiga la dhuunta, :jcoleno: :dead:
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You traumatized UK ciyaal need to stop projecting your gender relations onto the rest of us. Just because you grew up in a ghetto city council home and fought over zipcodes doesn't mean you get to act like you represent all Somalis. @empressjamila, they're UK Somalis, their whole life was a war zone dodging punches from the Jamaicans. You niggas all need therapy. You guys and UK Xalimos deserve each other, I suggest other Xalimos avoid ya'll.

Of course, this shit would originate in UK :snoop: I've never heard of cheap/clean until sspot
As others have said it here, it started during the neo-salafism boom in the late 2000’s, where it was the “craze” for a large segment of Somali youth.

Diaspora Muslim youth were heavy on the deen during this period to cope with the incessant Islamophobia in the media following the Iraq war. Other than the standard dawah institutions that were birthed during this period, a new flavor of salafiyah entered the scene in the UK, France, and USA fresh from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Some disparagingly branded them Madkhalis.

Young Muslims flocked to this group due to their outward display of piety, both in lingo and dress. A lot of young Somalis in this group dropped out of higher education and the girls started wearing niqab and gloves as they completely incorporated into these mosques. It was pretty much an in-group and there was a cold war with other “madhabs” at the time.

Since there was a large and growing revert contingent who were reliant on the mosque leaders to support in getting married, the sisters in the in-group were matched with them. A lot of Arab, Pakistani, and Somali families refused to give their daughters away, but Somalis seemed the most tolerant of the bunch as evidenced by the praise that was heaped on them during sermons as the exemplary Muslim women who showed the least bias.

This praise of course turned sour as word travelled fast in this community. Expectant reverts were lining up, boldly asking for Somali girls. The sheikhs pointing to Somalis as the first stop for struggling reverts rubbed salt into the wound. Marriage horror stories started circulating the rumour mills of marriage bandits, and month old reverts marrying two/three Somali girls at the same time. This snowballed into ‘cheap and clean’. The ’one apple/reciting one surah meher‘ came from these rumours and stories too.

I believe the term itself came from America (Philly mosques as the rumours told) but was popularised in the UK - using examples from the notorious Brixton Mosque as fuel.
I find that it’s not true whatsoever lol. Somali women are notoriously hard to get for a man who is not Somali. Madow guys stay complaining about it on twitter and their message forums lol. And even if ajnabi do manage to date a somali woman we put a lot of conditions onto them bc of our deen (such as no sex before marriage etc) that they find its not really worth it to be with us unless they’re serious about us and want to marry.

In comparison, carab and brown girls are very easy especially towards white men. The amount of Arab and Pakistani girls I know in my city with white bfs is crazy lol. Their culture seems more conservative but their conduct really isn’t conservative in the slightest. Only half of them are the religious kind and the rest act like gaalo

So where does this weird stereotype come from? Somali women are mostly chaste
Its the say wallahi girls that brought out that stereotype......growing up alot of them were promiscuous in high school and then got married off when their parents found out.....
I am not surprised by these narratives, nor am I taken aback by the notion that somalis women are cheap and clean.I saw an Arab man claiming thay it is effortless and inexpensive to marry a Somali from Somalia, encouraging others to do the same. The only element that truly astonishes me is the level of acceptance exhibited by Somali fathers. This discussion reminded of this story
incel bastards! name calling your women in front of the whole world.... surely there's nothing worse than that? and even if this label were true, then it would be because somali men failed to keep their houses in check.
I saw ajnabi guy gives apple as mahir one time 😂 and I heard this ajnabi men don’t need to pay for mahir.
I heard, he said, and I think.

It’s never, I saw or I know this person or that. That sums up the myth perfectly.

As for OP, it’s age old misogyny. It’s some Abdis themselves that have created that line and it’s a case of ‘if I, or men that look me can’t have you, I’ll degrade you’. It’s abusive and desperate in nature.

It doesn’t matter if that ajnabi is richer than them, better looking, will treat the girl better then they could ever. If the man isn’t one of them, they’ll call you cheap to salve their own ego and to scare other Somali girls from venturing out.

They need to find a new tactic as all they’re are doing is showing the world how pathetic and egotistical they care. I’m not even into IT marriages, think Somali girls are better off with the devil they know, but the more these morons post millions of posts like that, the more it dawns on me, that I think Somali girls should marry whoever they want as long as the man is Muslim and will treat them well.
As others have said it here, it started during the neo-salafism boom in the late 2000’s, where it was the “craze” for a large segment of Somali youth.

Diaspora Muslim youth were heavy on the deen during this period to cope with the incessant Islamophobia in the media following the Iraq war. Other than the standard dawah institutions that were birthed during this period, a new flavor of salafiyah entered the scene in the UK, France, and USA fresh from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Some disparagingly branded them Madkhalis.

Young Muslims flocked to this group due to their outward display of piety, both in lingo and dress. A lot of young Somalis in this group dropped out of higher education and the girls started wearing niqab and gloves as they completely incorporated into these mosques. It was pretty much an in-group and there was a cold war with other “madhabs” at the time.

Since there was a large and growing revert contingent who were reliant on the mosque leaders to support in getting married, the sisters in the in-group were matched with them. A lot of Arab, Pakistani, and Somali families refused to give their daughters away, but Somalis seemed the most tolerant of the bunch as evidenced by the praise that was heaped on them during sermons as the exemplary Muslim women who showed the least bias.

This praise of course turned sour as word travelled fast in this community. Expectant reverts were lining up, boldly asking for Somali girls. The sheikhs pointing to Somalis as the first stop for struggling reverts rubbed salt into the wound. Marriage horror stories started circulating the rumour mills of marriage bandits, and month old reverts marrying two/three Somali girls at the same time. This snowballed into ‘cheap and clean’. The ’one apple/reciting one surah meher‘ came from these rumours and stories too.

I believe the term itself came from America (Philly mosques as the rumours told) but was popularised in the UK - using examples from the notorious Brixton Mosque as fuel.
Cheap and clean goes back to the 90s lol but about your point, I have a bit more to add since I’ve seen it.

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We Somalis are narcissistic group who only care and look at our own community. The only stories that will stand out are the stories that Impact the men and women of our communities. What’s happened is that Abdis have heard those stories and have decided to lie and act like Somali girls were the only ones in those situations. Anyone that has actually been around the madness and seen and spoke to those brainwashed Salafi girls will tell you this was across ethnic lines.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
It was due to Reer UK and their Wahabbi/Salafi mosques handing out Halimos like candy. It affected many Anglo Somalis and made many women depressed and divorced. One case was so bad that Abu Tyrone raped a Somali child from a previous marriage! That was the lowest point of this affair


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
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The term cheap and clean existed since the 90s in England. It predates the Tyrone marriages. Its uniquely Somali. Maybe the 50 something year old abos can give you an answer.
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