What's the worst rejection you ever got?

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Is this about dating only? Cuz I've never been rejected lol :ivers:

If not then I was rejected from the school I really wanted to go too. :frdfvsb: Devasted
You should have studied harder. I am talking about relationships.

My grades turned out fine it was my predicted grades that turned out to be rubbish. :mjpls: My teacher didn't believe in me lmao

I'd tell u to work harder but...there's no fixing unfortunate looks, sry man :mjkkk:


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It's just my left eye has issues and it can be fixed by eyelid lift but I have a good personality.
Kaleel telling me to study harder triggered me back to my gcse days :mjcry: my teacher gloating when they found out about my rejection :mjlol:

I had to hit back :kendrickcry:
Waryaa @rabshole i told u not to write in af maay. :mjlol: I don't understand it
Tell me what does it meeeean, don't make me put it through google translate :mjlol:

Prefered... Wrongness?
Either I'm illiterate or there's something wrong with ur somali kkkk

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Asked a girl out in high school Infront bare people and she said she don't like black guys took a huge L:damn:

I got over fear of rejection after high school I just go on the next:damedamn:
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