What makes the people of Khaatumo so self-sufficient?

What is it that makes the people of Khaatumo so self-sufficient? This time last year the region was engulfed in turmoil. Today they laid the foundation stone for new 350 km road all the way to Erigavo to funded by local businessmen and communities. Today, Laascaanood has been largely rebuilt. Businesses being registered. New buildings have been built, the city is buzzing with new confidence and growth as a locals return, open shops.

All of this was done in a 1 year with the help of its residents and diaspora. Without any foreign or national assistance.
You won't see any Oxfam, World in Vision or UN aid dependency nonsense like you do in other parts of Somalia. No pictures with people lining up next to a water borehole for international aid appeals or destitute people with pots to receive aid from UsAid or Emirates or other rubbish.

This is a great spirit and way of thinking. Self reliance, self sufficiency.

People paying income, corporate and vat taxes to build infrastructure, community services, development and growth. Is the future.

What is it that makes the people of Khaatumo so self-sufficient? This time last year the region was engulfed in turmoil. Today they laid the foundation stone for new 350 km road all the way to Erigavo to funded by local businessmen and communities. Today, Laascaanood has been largely rebuilt. Businesses being registered. New buildings have been built, the city is buzzing with new confidence and growth as a locals return, open shops.

All of this was done in a 1 year with the help of its residents and diaspora. Without any foreign or national assistance.
You won't see any Oxfam, World in Vision or UN aid dependency nonsense like you do in other parts of Somalia. No pictures with people lining up next to a water borehole for international aid appeals or destitute people with pots to receive aid from UsAid or Emirates or other rubbish.

This is a great spirit and way of thinking. Self reliance, self sufficiency.

People paying income, corporate and vat taxes to build infrastructure, community services, development and growth. Is the future.

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dhulbahante donate. there's so many get togethers and donation incentives here in the netherlands let alone places where theres many somalis like USA for example


What is it that makes the people of Khaatumo so self-sufficient? This time last year the region was engulfed in turmoil. Today they laid the foundation stone for new 350 km road all the way to Erigavo to funded by local businessmen and communities. Today, Laascaanood has been largely rebuilt. Businesses being registered. New buildings have been built, the city is buzzing with new confidence and growth as a locals return, open shops.

All of this was done in a 1 year with the help of its residents and diaspora. Without any foreign or national assistance.
You won't see any Oxfam, World in Vision or UN aid dependency nonsense like you do in other parts of Somalia. No pictures with people lining up next to a water borehole for international aid appeals or destitute people with pots to receive aid from UsAid or Emirates or other rubbish.

This is a great spirit and way of thinking. Self reliance, self sufficiency.

People paying income, corporate and vat taxes to build infrastructure, community services, development and growth. Is the future.

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This is the result when an area is led by the traditional clan elders and not politicians. You get genuine representation by people that the locals actually want and view as genuine representations with legitimacy. The Garaads are there by the will of the people and don't serve silly 5 year terms and their position is not up for competition. This means they can genuinely focus on serving their people With politicians, you get self-serving megalomaniacs that lack popular legitimacy and are focussed on amassing as much wealth as possible before they lose the next election.

(I know SSC has an administration but the Garaads are still supreme)
There are a number of factors here:

  • The traditional leadership are leading the region and have popular mandate. On top of this, a very high proportion of them are educated abroad- many have come from the States with degrees in STEM. In other words, they have competent leaders.

  • Social Unity: The events of the last years have cemented their unity and determination to work towards a better future.

  • End of Somaliland Interference- The removal of Somaliland control means SSC is free to pursue its natural state of strong economic ties with the rest of Somalia and setting itself up as a trade hub importing goods cheaply from the South.
There are a number of factors here:

  • The traditional leadership are leading the region and have popular mandate. On top of this, a very high proportion of them are educated abroad- many have come from the States with degrees in STEM. In other words, they have competent leaders.

  • Social Unity: The events of the last years have cemented their unity and determination to work towards a better future.

  • End of Somaliland Interference- The removal of Somaliland control means SSC is free to pursue its natural state of strong economic ties with the rest of Somalia and setting itself up as a trade hub importing goods cheaply from the South.

This waffle has already been debunked in reference to the last point. This forum is a mental place honestly, made up stats with deliberately misleading interpretations are taken at face value.
This waffle has already been debunked in reference to the last point. This forum is a mental place honestly, made up stats with deliberately misleading interpretations are taken at face value.
Are you really going to deny the basic reality that people in SSC- who have always had a lot tied to Bosaso and the rest of Somalia would lose out on having a border between them and their kin and business partners? This is common sense only you would say otherwise because you are too obsessed with Somaliland.
Are you really going to deny the basic reality that people in SSC- who have always had a lot tied to Bosaso and the rest of Somalia would lose out on having a border between them and their kin and business partners? This is common sense only you would say otherwise because you are too obsessed with Somaliland.

What would they lose out on? Goods can still flow across a border.

You are acting like Somaliland put up a hard border and said no goods are coming through which has never been the case.

You are obsessed with making bad faith arguments against Somaliland but that's pretty common on this forum. People buy into lies wholesale.
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Kin is irrelevant when they threaten all of Somalia or other Somalis. A lot of injustice happens due to this way of thinking. Not sure where this toxic mindset originated, must be a symptom of 4.5.
kin is everything in somalia. The isaaq don't believe in Somalia, so they have a different political agenda to attempt to make a country (which is failing horribly). Blame farmaajo's mareexan uncle for targetting groups based on qabil. I'm looking at it from their POV, what they're doing is wrong without a doubt, but it makes sense. If Somalia targeted my people, you think i wouldn't threaten all of somalia and other somalis? You're simply a larper if you don't support your qabils agenda.

