What is your opinion on "fitrah"

From my understanding, fitrah is a body of knowledge every human being is born with. This knowledge doesn't need to be proven, we know it's true immediately (its like inate). It includes things like The existence of one God. However the fitrah can be "corrupted" by what the child is taught. So, in this model, every person is born a monotheist but it's the parents that either corrupt or guard their fitrah.

Now, i am having trouble accepting this. On the one hand it comes off as almost a cop-out since you can avoid providing proofs for your claims and just claim that your view is supported by the "fitrah" (i have seen it used in this sense). It's also kinda dangerous since you can accuse everyone that disagrees with you of their fitrah being "corrupt".

But it also makes sense in a way since there are truths humans accept but that can't really be proven (like fundamental laws of logic, existence of causal connections, etc. So maybe these are like in the fitrah). So, since we accept our "intuition" here, i can't see why it can't be accepted in religion as well. What I am trying to say here is that i am not against the existence of a body of knowledge that is so self evident that it doesn't require any proof/reflection.

Because of these two conflicting views, am kinda stuck on what to do. So, My first question to you is do you agree with fitrah being used like this (proofs for God aren't needed because of fitrah for example)? And my second question is How would you respond to my other point (it being a cop-out)

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
From my understanding, fitrah is a body of knowledge every human being is born with. This knowledge doesn't need to be proven, we know it's true immediately (its like inate). It includes things like The existence of one God. However the fitrah can be "corrupted" by what the child is taught. So, in this model, every person is born a monotheist but it's the parents that either corrupt or guard their fitrah.

Now, i am having trouble accepting this.

just believe what Islam tells you. if you go and do this with everything in Islam, I think you're going to end up an atheist.

if Islam saying something isn't good enough for you... you are in serious danger.

is having doubts about Islam somehow going to make you more intellectual? how many atheists think they're super mega intellectuals... then they end up in jahannam and I'm pretty sure they won't feel so amazed with themselves.

just trust Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. if you're having doubts, it isn't because you're a super-genius... it is because there is something wrong with you.

is simply trusting Allah and His Messenger ﷺ something that is beneath you? do you have a haughty type mindset like Iblis??

tell me, what is more smart and intellectual- trusting and accepting what Islam says and ending up in jannah or questioning everything and expecting everything to conform to what makes sense to you and then ending up in jahannam.... which of these really the smart route

if you're standing in the road and a car starts coming at you... who is really the smart person... someone who moves out the way or someone who stands there, starts philosophizing about the car coming towards him and gets hit by the car???

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
have you ever seen Allah? if you keep taking this approach maybe you won't even think Allah exists.... what you're doing is like a person walking on a super tiny rope high up between two skyscrapers... if I see some person doing that I'm going think "wow what an idiot lol".... I'm not going to think that person is a mega genius.... yet you continue to do this when it comes to your religion... playing around like that is opposite of smart... when the person is walking on that rope and the wind blows and the guy falls a thousand feet, the world isn't losing a mega genius
From my understanding, fitrah is a body of knowledge every human being is born with. This knowledge doesn't need to be proven, we know it's true immediately (its like inate). It includes things like The existence of one God. However the fitrah can be "corrupted" by what the child is taught. So, in this model, every person is born a monotheist but it's the parents that either corrupt or guard their fitrah.

Now, i am having trouble accepting this. On the one hand it comes off as almost a cop-out since you can avoid providing proofs for your claims and just claim that your view is supported by the "fitrah" (i have seen it used in this sense). It's also kinda dangerous since you can accuse everyone that disagrees with you of their fitrah being "corrupt".

But it also makes sense in a way since there are truths humans accept but that can't really be proven (like fundamental laws of logic, existence of causal connections, etc. So maybe these are like in the fitrah). So, since we accept our "intuition" here, i can't see why it can't be accepted in religion as well. What I am trying to say here is that i am not against the existence of a body of knowledge that is so self evident that it doesn't require any proof/reflection.

Because of these two conflicting views, am kinda stuck on what to do. So, My first question to you is do you agree with fitrah being used like this (proofs for God aren't needed because of fitrah for example)? And my second question is How would you respond to my other point (it being a cop-out)
the fitra is never used as a cop out to not give proofs for God, I Have never seen that argument used
i have seen it used that way. by proofs i mean rational proofs (like the cosmological or contingency arguments)
it doesnt matter, if something is fitra we still have to prove it, all prophets proved Allahs existence and worthiness of worship even though it is fitra, our entire deen is pulling us back to fitra we evidence,