What Haplogroup Were The Kushites/Nubians

Christian era Nubians from Kulubnarti

R-high class cemetery
S-servile class cemetery


Cushite Arab
Christian era Nubians from Kulubnarti

R-high class cemetery
S-servile class cemetery
How the hell did T haplogroup get there
:rejoice: Alx they are our relatives how are south Sudanese claiming them :lolbron: they are literally E-M78 laandheere
How the hell did T haplogroup get there
:rejoice: Alx they are our relatives how are south Sudanese claiming them :lolbron: they are literally E-M78 laandheere
T is everywhere E1b1b and J are thanks to the spread of agriculture from the middle east

Look at how J-cels are confined to the poverty cemetery :banderas:

