What do you think of Somali girls with no hijab?


good cop
Very random question but what do you guys think of Somali girls with no hijab (but she's not showing skin or anything)? Do you automatically think negative thoughts (like Somali girls with hijab are better than them etc?)

Im not trying to start anything, I just always wondered what the younger generation thought (as we already know what the older ones think of this matter)
Yeah I can understand where you're coming from. But it's great that you respect all women! Wallahi Somali guys are chill af if you compare to other muslims mashaallah lol
Somali culture is more loose compared to Asians and middle eastern cultures.. I have cousins who don't wear hijab and I've even forced them to cover up.


good cop
As soon as she forsakes her hijab, she ceases to become a potential wifey but instead, becomes a prospective beat and delete :dabcasar:
You really had to ruin it, didn't you?:ileycry:
Even if she was a very respectful girl and did not show her figure and such? I mean there are girls with hijab that show off their figure, what do you think of that?


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Getting draids inshallah
That was really mature of u to say. But you would prefer that your wife would wear one, no?

Tbh, this isnt something I ever thought about deeply. A covered up women is definitely sexier than one without. Light covering I mean. A full on hijab is so unnerving.

Your body, your choice :mjdontkno:


Certified CNC expert.
There are quite a few deviant hijab girls these days, it's no longer a guaranteed indicator of being pious

As for me, I believe physical appearance is not a reliant judge of character and personality, people are way more complex


good cop
There are quite a few deviant hijab girls these days, it's no longer a guaranteed indicator of being pious

As for me, I believe physical appearance is not a reliant judge of character and personality, people are way more complex
I like your answer a lot. I also think that there's more to people than just appearance... People tend to believe that it's enough to wear religious symbols because apparently it symbolizes that you are ''pure''.
What worth is in a person who rejects the commandments of their Creator?

Everyone has a struggle. For some people its hijab, for others like you its wishing death and destruction upon their fellow Muslims like the Somali bantus.

So you can definitely relate, albeit your struggle is a lot worse.

Samaalic Era

Everyone has a struggle. For some people its hijab, for others like you its wishing death and destruction upon their fellow Muslims like the Somali bantus.

So you can definitely relate, albeit your struggle is a lot worse.
No such thing as a global Muslim community Walal. If we as Somalis unite as one Muslim nation, that would be true achievement.

Humans are naturally nations, Allah swt made it so
Sis, if you don't wear hijab, do so for the sake of Allah and not because you believe a Faraax won't marry you.

From what I've seen non hijabi girls don"t struggle to get married, and that really shouldn't be your concern.

I mean who cares what these men think?


good cop
Everyone has a struggle. For some people its hijab, for others like you its wishing death and destruction upon their fellow Muslims like the Somali bantus.

So you can definitely relate, albeit your struggle is a lot worse.
Ooof what? That's really harsh, does he really think that? damn
God said hide your cawro. What is so hard about that? You are going against the commandments of Allah when you discard your hijab. If you don't care about god and is instead looking for the perspectives of prospect Abdis, I think girls that willingly show cawro are s. :manny:
No such thing as a global Muslim community Walal. If we as Somalis unite as one Muslim nation, that would be true achievement.

Humans are naturally nations, Allah swt made it so

Hating on your fellow Muslims is a major sin along with racism. One of the last sermons of the Prophet S.A.W. was about this, therefore this isn't something you can deny.

Let non hijabis focus on their struggles and you focus on your own without making excuses as now you are denying hadiths and twisting the Quraan. We were made into nations and tribes so we may know one another, not so that we indulge in asaabiya and hatred.

You can focus on just Somalis without inciting hatred towards other groups, that is much worse than taburuj.


Tbh, this isnt something I ever thought about deeply. A covered up women is definitely sexier than one without. Light covering I mean. A full on hijab is so unnerving.

Your body, your choice :mjdontkno:
A woman with hijab isn't supposed to be sexy. The Instagram trend of trying to look sexy with hijab wearing tight short dresses to show legs then posing seductive is the reason why we got hijab s now white men have hijab fetish and the industry are banking on it.

@Samaalic Era We actually agree on something.

