What did the Europeans do to us during colonization?

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Gave away mad Somali territory to Ethiopia and Kenya, leading to disastrous wars that enabled the Somali Civil War.

Perfidious Albion


Kashmir, Palestine, Ogaden/NFD, everywhere they go they purposely leave a legacy that inevitabily leads to war.


Suicidal men adore me.
They gave away so much land to Kenya and Ethiopia and then went and created a fake as country known as Djibouti.

Had they never set foot on Somalia we would within that century have become a country of our own. We would probably not be suffering from qabil like we do today. I actually blame them for the civil war. Had they not divided us none of this shit would have happened.

f*ck them.
I know about the land divisions but I was wondering more about treatment/injustices. For example, the British burned down cities in west Africa and robbed them of their treasures. They also raised up some ethnic groups to oppress others. I haven't heard of these things in Somalia so I am curious.
The f***** us over man! They gave away most of our land to Ethiopia and Kenya, and made some treaties with some tribes giving them armies and turned them against other tribes. They divided the remaining land into North vs South and the resulting ramifications are still full blown to this day. They also messed and still continue to mess with our politics. These bastards are to blame for everything that went wrong! They leave a trail of corpses and destruction wherever they go.


Citizen of Southwest State
Italian colonial officers and aristocrats used Somalis as human bridges to cross over rivers and also fed some to alligators.


I know about the land divisions but I was wondering more about treatment/injustices. For example, the British burned down cities in west Africa and robbed them of their treasures. They also raised up some ethnic groups to oppress others. I haven't heard of these things in Somalia so I am curious.
The british used bombing and chicken pox to kill dhulos:damedamn:


Citizen of Southwest State
Italians had no interaction with Kenyans. So...there goes that...

And the people that were subjected to those horrible conditions were actually Somali, Biimaal to be exact...Those atrocities led them to rise up against the Italians but unfortunately there rebellion was crushed.


Italians had no interaction with Kenyans. So...there goes that...

And the people that were subjected to those horrible conditions were actually Somali, Biimaal to be exact...Those atrocities led them to rise up against the Italians but unfortunately there rebellion was crushed.
Bring your proof:comeon:


Citizen of Southwest State
Bring your proof:comeon:
With the arrival of the Italians at the coast in 1890, Biyamaal leaders were almost in constant shir to coordinate their plans for the inevitable showdown between Italian expansion and their resistance. The Italian government always viewed them as its most determined opponent, colonial policy was geared towards dividing the Biyamaal leadership and thus divide the opposition. Remarkably the Biyamaal have presented a united front even when they were eventually defeated in 1908.


With the arrival of the Italians at the coast in 1890, Biyamaal leaders were almost in constant shir to coordinate their plans for the inevitable showdown between Italian expansion and their resistance. The Italian government always viewed them as its most determined opponent, colonial policy was geared towards dividing the Biyamaal leadership and thus divide the opposition. Remarkably the Biyamaal have presented a united front even when they were eventually defeated in 1908.
I know about these stuff I'm talking about
Italian colonial officers and aristocrats used Somalis as human bridges to cross over rivers and also fed some to alligators.
where's the proof:comeon:


Your superior
They took our princess Amina boqor. :angryman::kendrickcry:

I am looking of major Douglas's great grandchildren :fittytousand:

Time for refenge
I know what happened in the Congo and that Somalia was obviously not that bad. But how bad was it?

when it comes to colonisation in africa, somalis literally got butfucked, why
first thing you need to realise is about a 100 years ago eastern and central africa were no mans land, there is not a bantu ethnic who has more rights then a somali anywhere in east africa all the way to the congo river,,,so why are we stuck at the border line of a semi desert region at the tana river? because the colonial powers not only did they push us out but they also empowered the bantus such as kikuyo's and luya and many more so that they could use them against us, they settled them, thought them how to farm the land and eventually gave it to them, meanwhile they attacked the somalis from every corner, north south and west.

today the masters of east africa are the bantus, from the congo all the way to the doorstep of somalia they are in control, and mark my words they're still not done, they wont stop till they reach all the way to ras casayr, which they will and this time i think they wont even need force, they'll just play the games their colonial masters though them.
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