What are you hobbies?

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I like drawing/ painting

I used to draw a lot then i realized i'll never be good at it :jcoleno:

Ppl only become good at drawing with constant practice sxb, if you keep at it you'll make improvements in no time.

Believe it or not drawing is not a naturally born talent, most things aren't, anyone can learn
I'll most likely create a blog, thanks for the encouragement :)
@Aim_Ed how do you get started on making beats and music in general.:cosbyhmm:
also do you have any on soundcloud

Pirate FLStudio, Ableton, or Logic Pro X, the three Digital Audio Workshops(DAWs) that imo are the best, I'd recommend flstudio since that's what I grew up with. Look up tutorials on the internet, and just keep going at it. Soon it will become second nature, but you have to be patient with yourself, most dudes give up after a few hours.

I have a SoundCloud I use for sampling challenges, but I'm not really comfortable in sharing that.
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