Western-Foreign Funded anti-Islamic Sexual Bill is Back

Western countries especially Norway has been pushing this anti-Islam bill. It was previously rejected by the parliament and will be thrown out again permanently inshaAllah.

OP why do you act like you are defending Islam when I see your posts on this forum defending Russia and China, 2 countries who are very anti Islam and Muslims.


Minister of Propaganda
Of course Sheikh Hersy the rapist is against consequences for rapists.

OP why do you act like you are defending Islam when I see your posts on this forum defending Russia and China, 2 countries who are very anti Islam and Muslims.

Why are you asking me about Russia and China in a thread about Westerners sponsoring and pushing this corruption in Somalia? That says a lot.


Minister of Propaganda
@AMusee (aka Abdi Kremlin) prefers the status quo that allows child marriages and forced marriages.

He isn’t about Islam but about subjugating women.

All the liberal agents out in force to defend the sexual deviant bill. It will not be passed and be gone for good.

Do not let the liberal agents fool you. As the Sheikhs mention the law according to Shariah is that rapists are punished with death. They will bring rape up to distract and confuse their actual goals which is a law that in its language decriminalizes Zina and Homosexual acts.



Minister of Propaganda
Says the Western Funded UN that is also sponsoring the bill.

The Shariah is enough to deal with rapists and the deviant bill will be thrown out for good.

You clearly have never stepped foot back home if you think that rapists are dealt with in Somalia.



Minister of Propaganda
The Shariah is enough to deal with them, that is what needs to be enforced.

We do not need a stealth liberal deviant bill sponsored by your sponsors.

Read the room, Abdi Moscow, everyone is against you on this one.

You’ve exposed yourself for the rapist-supporting scumbag you are.

