West african nigga marries Somali girl

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I feel like telling hoyoo my experiences with somali women so she stops nagging me to marry one.
:ftw9nwa: That's out the question, I messed around & brought a cadaan ting to abu a few years back & he said naagtan indhaha bluega lex maxa rabta lol cut a long story short he said which one do you want dua or xabaar lol I chose the former rather than the latter.
Somali girls/women here do you agree with this half Ethiopian words?


chill out canuck loool

I wouldn't take a daily mail reader such as waraabe serious if I was you :damn:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Somali siil = max $2k meher. Somali women in the uk and Canada should be paying you meher to take them

Restricted siil like Iranian = $5k

Red alert siil like pakistani (risk of acid attack) = $20k, that bih is literally risking her life


The IQ of a Daly Mail reader on display right here.
Somali siil = max $2k meher. Somali women in the uk and Canada should be paying you meher to take them

Restricted siil like Iranian = $5k

Red alert siil like pakistani (risk of acid attack) = $20k, that bih is literally risking her life


:fittytousand:We don't give a flying f*ck what she does her dalool and her life but her kids and husband Abu Tyrone dalooliye will never get Somali citizen and be accepted in the Somali society. :fittytousand: Yeysan na sheegen un

04:00 the video

Look at the Somali women who married oromo men and her calaal was rejected by the all Somali including the ladies who attended in the meeting, her kids have no right to get Somali citizen, since they are not Somali.

The Somali ethnicity citizen have agreed not to give anyone a Somali ethnicity citizen who is not a Somali, we might in the future give the citizenship, to those countries who have looked after the Somali ethnicity like the western world, example UK,North America,and etc

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tfw no habesha gf
:fittytousand:We don't give a flying f*ck what she does her dalool and her life but her kids and husband Abu Tyrone dalooliye will never get Somali citizen and be accepted in the Somali society.

04:00 the video

Look at the Somali women who married oromo men and her calaal was rejected by the all Somali including the ladies who attended in the meeting, her kids have no right to get Somali citizen, since they are not Somali.

The Somali ethnicity citizen have agreed not to give anyone a citizen who is not a Somali, we might in the future give the citizenship, to those countries who have looked after the Somali ethnicity like the western world, example UK,North America,and etc

nobody wants Somali citizenship. Not even Somalis themselves
Plenty of somali men marrying ajnabi chicks matter of fact theres threads here where somali men drool over bantu and white women but of course when a somali girl wants to marry out she gets called a bunch of names so much hypocrisy double standards its pathetic.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
its either marry out or resign myself to a life of misery and unhappiness
:ftw9nwa: I thought you was going to say as much, I've got the perfect solution bradar, they say home is where the heart is. Go back home once every 6 or so months & marry a few xalimo's & keep your family there while you do what you have to do where you are, problem solved, me personally I can't see myself marrying ajnabi cause in sha Allah I'm planning to settle back home.
Waryaa Don't worry sxb ma somali ayaad tahay ama langaab ooh ahlu naar.

Inshaa Allah in the future the Somali ethnicity citizen will eat, Huge land with a rich resource.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somali siil = max $2k meher. Somali women in the uk and Canada should be paying you meher to take them

Restricted siil like Iranian = $5k

Red alert siil like pakistani (risk of acid attack) = $20k, that bih is literally risking her life


Yes they want our citizen our culture our history our land which is full of natural resources. Oil gas fishery sector ports longest coast in Africa.@khathead
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