Weird traits you would preferably want in your partner?

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Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
Dumb women, i dont know intelligent women always appear too masculine for me.
I could never marry her. Imagine your kid was this dumb subhanallah.

That's the rational thing to do, but I can't lie. I wouldn't pull out and forgive myself for it.:manny:

On some R. Kelly bump n grind shit

My mind is telling me noooo. But my body, my body is tellin' me yeeeaah


I dare u to show yourself.
  • Women who are older than me.
  • Women who are very short and have a fat ass.
  • A xalimo woth soft long curly hair, shiny darkskin, with extremely white eyes and wide hips, with dimples.
  • A xalimo that looks so innocent but will jump your bones in private.
  • I kinda love to play hard to get. I love a b**** that can seduce the f*ck outta me.
  • I have a thing for tall women. I definitely want to marry one.
  • I love women with soft baby hands.
  • Every girl i went out with. I secretly got a wiff of her body odour. I hate women with bad natural body odour. I love women who dont use cologne but still smell extremely nice.
  • I find some women's walks extremely sexy...i can watch a female walk forever.
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