Watch Shi’ites' oddities

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
please just mute the music at the beginning, I am sorry about the music.... but I thought this video was a little entertaining


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

wallahi I don't want to laugh at or make fun of anybody. but with the shia... they have some stuff where.... it is kind of hard to keep a straight face. I don't even know of anything like that with the Christians, the Jews.... even the Hindus I think I'm sort of respectful towards their beliefs and I don't smirk at them or anything, I more just feel sad if I see them doing some of their weirder stuff... but with the Shia I wonder if Iblees is intentionally making them do silly stuff as a way of ridiculing them

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
maybe those are shia extremists? like how we have sunni extremists as well ?

I don't know too much about specifics of shia subgroups but I think the mourning Hussein thing is pretty mainstream. honestly what is in the video in OP is very mild compared to stuff like the cutting their heads ritual.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
also I think cursing the sahaaba and cursing Aisha is mainstream amongst them too. I think if we stick to only what is mainstream amongst the Shia, it's pretty bad.
@Omar del Sur you know in Iran they have a shrine for Abu Lulu, killer of Umar (R.A.). What they used to do publicly, (not anymore out of fear from retaliation from real Muslims) is on the day of Umar's death, they would have a festival and pray at the shrine. Even today, they practice in private, look at the level of depravity displayed. How can one even consider themselves to be Muslim doing this? Listen to the video, they are saying Abu Lulu. Iran for years has been trying to convince the Muslim world Sunni-Shia are brothers and we only have minor differences when in reality the Rafidha are a morally bankrupt group on a path of deviance. They must be rejected, and I also blame these modern day sheikhs who convince young Muslims that the Shia split is only political and to not hate them. We must hate the Rafidha and we must rebuke them!


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I couldn't even get past the first sentence @Bari🐍 .

wallahi I need to calm down a bit before I read the rest of your post. I hope Allah guides the Shia.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Iran for years has been trying to convince the Muslim world Sunni-Shia are brothers and we only have minor differences when in reality the Rafidha are a morally bankrupt group on a path of deviance. They must be rejected, and I also blame these modern day sheikhs who convince young Muslims that the Shia split is only political and to not hate them. We must hate the Rafidha and we must rebuke them!

Masha'Allah, Masha'Allah. I hope Allah guides many people through you. I'm glad to see someone telling the truth without trying to sugarcoat.

The rafidah are not our brothers. I think it is an insult to us if someone claims they're our brothers. How can we be the brothers of those people. How can people love the sahaaba and want unity with the Shia? How can people love Aisha and want unity with the Shia???????

Muslims will get upset when some kaffirs insults Rasul Allah ﷺ... and rightfully so! but someone slandering Aisha and saying what the Shia do.... that is ok???????!!!!!! whoever wants us to ignore- where is their love for Aisha???!!!!

I don't know what to say when it comes to these sick people- these sick people who insult these ones we love. It is so upsetting that they are out there spreading these kinds of insults and curses that they do. We just have to wait and Allah will deal with them how they deserve. But in the meantime how dare anyone try to pressure us to unite with them. Christians, Jews and Hindus are higher in my book than these Shia.
Masha'Allah, Masha'Allah. I hope Allah guides many people through you. I'm glad to see someone telling the truth without trying to sugarcoat.

The rafidah are not our brothers. I think it is an insult to us if someone claims they're our brothers. How can we be the brothers of those people. How can people love the sahaaba and want unity with the Shia? How can people love Aisha and want unity with the Shia???????

Muslims will get upset when some kaffirs insults Rasul Allah ﷺ... and rightfully so! but someone slandering Aisha and saying what the Shia do.... that is ok???????!!!!!! whoever wants us to ignore- where is their love for Aisha???!!!!

I don't know what to say when it comes to these sick people- these sick people who insult these ones we love. It is so upsetting that they are out there spreading these kinds of insults and curses that they do. We just have to wait and Allah will deal with them how they deserve. But in the meantime how dare anyone try to pressure us to unite with them. Christians, Jews and Hindus are higher in my book than these Shia.
Yep, I really hope more Muslims wake up to the truth. The Rafidha do a good job of hiding their real beliefs behind the guise of one ummah. Then you have sheikhs like Yasir Qadhi who say "there are times where we should have some areas of cooperation and unity with them". Way back I posted what they were doing publicly in the UK.

At what point in time should we ever cooperate with people like this?

They always love to share this one quote by Khomeini, which is just another example of their deception.


You know Khomeini said that our mother Aisha (R.A.) was more impure than a dog!

And although we love and honor the mother of believers, nothing is worse than insulting our beloved Messenger (SAW). This is a quote from Khomeini, tell me can we call this person who claims our Messenger (SAW) failed, a Muslim?

"All prophets came for the purpose of laying down the foundation of justice in the world, but they failed to do so; even Prophet Muhammad, the last of the Prophets who came to reform mankind and to apply justice failed too. The person who will succeed in all this and in laying down the foundation of justice in the world at all levels, and redressing the wrong is the expected mahdi"

The truth is Shia hate the companions of our Messenger (SAW), they hate his wives, and they hate anyone who follows them. They practice taqiyyah when they conceal their true identity. They say we are brothers, meanwhile Sunnis don't have 1 mosque in Tehran. Not one. There are many churches and zoroastrian temples, but Sunnis are not allowed to have a mosque and they are forbidden from praying during Eid and they say we are brothers.

Another thing that is often not talked about enough is their contribution to the rise in extremism. Here is Rafsanjani, one of the founders of Iran admitting it himself. That is not even including the many militias they use to spread their influence and abuse many innocent Sunnis. Oh but don't worry we are brothers.

Centuries ago, Ibn Taymiyyah exposed them and their falsehoods and to this day they curse him for it. I hope we take one of his pieces advice which is to stay away from these people. No good can come from joining together with a people who are so far from the sunnah.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

wallahi I don't even want to be in the same room or in anywhere in the proximity of a Shia. even a Hindu I would rather be around than a Shia. with the Hindu- I'm a Muslim, he's what he is, we get it. with the Shia, he is out to play this game where he pretends to be my brother, tries to get me to lower my guard and then next thing he wants to poison my mind with evil ideas like hating the sahaabah.

edit: ok apparently the first tweet isn't showing up... the second one of course is bad... but the first one.... maybe it isn't as bad in terms of how sinful it is... but it is really disturbing stuff