Wasiirka Amniga


This shows we are true laandheere, imagine riding the coattails of another clan. How pathetic, I dont think Somalis will ever trust HG with Presidency the last time they did they barred their own man from Villa Somalia :damn:
You got the position due to the outdated 4.5 power sharing , you can celebrate this naming if you want it doesnt matter, he will be maqarsaar for HSM & hamza upd government .


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Cuqdad? Bro Sade was attacked from all corners by all Somalis and we still represented for this nation! There is no cuqdad here just qab, do you know what qab means? That’s right, my damiir won’t let me settle for less I don’t know about you though lol
I mean, you kinda brought it onto yourselves no?