Warlord Muse’ named “ministers” with

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Why is Muse Bixi a Warlord? Is a warlord only used when someone attacks ya tribe? and he is mujahid when he attacks another clan? nacasnimadan bal dalka haysta

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Why is Muse Bixi a Warlord? Is a warlord only used when someone attacks ya tribe? and he is mujahid when he attacks another clan? nacasnimadan bal dalka haysta
A mujaahid is one who defends his community and hanti from aggression.

A warlord is a coward who hides in time of war and comes out of peace to cause mischief.

This Muse Bixi guy has never led or fought in a SNM battle. He use to cook for the SNM and stay behind at the base.

During the time of peace he comes out proclaiming that he is Mubaahid and started attacking rer Dilla and Borama.

He is coward warlord
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