US: We are prepared to act against those who obstruct Somalia’s path to peace.


A thinly veiled warning. The turks giving farmajo thos drones and frustrating their efforts in ethiopia has pushed them to their limits. Somalia is not russia nor is it china that is aiding the saudis in building ballistic missiles, which has enraged the biden administration recently.

This can only end one way. The US will arm one group against another to create a new government that favours them.
Dabaalka tahay wase be like Abye maxa ka galey IC.Bring Russia, China and Yurkey on yourside.
Adeer somalia had enough of civil war. We were lucky back then that no foreigners were involved taking sides. We can't let it become a battle zone of superpowers. Since Farmaajo now got warned by the US, he should be careful.
Adeer somalia had enough of civil war. We were lucky back then that no foreigners were involved taking sides. We can't let it become a battle zone of superpowers. Since Farmaajo now got warned by the US, he should be careful.
Saxib anarchists only understand one language that is Karbash.This is not a Tabligh issue.

We need a dictator in Xamar and that dictator should be Farmajo.
:russ: :dead:


This is why I have always liked the Republicans over the Democrats, America has no business involving itself in Somalia internal affairs and politics, this is act of unprecedented aggression by a super power towards a country recovering from failed state status.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
This is why I have always liked the Republicans over the Democrats, America has no business involving itself in Somalia internal affairs and politics, this is act of unprecedented aggression by a super power towards a country recovering from failed state status.
They have targetted the Tripitrate nations and attempted regime change. Democrats wa dad inkaaran


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Regime change = go back to failed status aka the worlds dumping ground and toilet, aka battle arena and incubator for mercenaries.
Is it a coincidence that President Farmaajo ordering the closure of Halane private terminal MOVCOM that was awarded by HSM and used to move drugs, alcohol and stolen mineral deposits was the cause of IC tryna overthrow him? They want a cucked Somalia and easily bought charlatans like Rooble to be their puppets


Is it a coincidence that President Farmaajo ordering the closure of Halane private terminal MOVCOM that was awarded by HSM and used to move drugs, alcohol and stolen mineral deposits was the cause of IC tryna overthrow him? They want a cucked Somalia and easily bought charlatans like Rooble to be their puppets
Its because of Farmaajo that Somalia is now becoming an emerging regional player which is inviting the attention of a world power, I believe he is smarter than than to double down on anti-American policy or rhetorric don't forget Farmaajo is former US citizen, former worker of US-Somalia embassy and former worker in US local government heck he is familiar with their politics as he was a avid supporter of the republican party.

Going by his track record Farmaajo has won against the IC many times, UN representatives, countries like UAE, Kenya, Saudi Ethiopia, Eritrea, Qatar, UK, Norway, he has made our humble nation a player on the world stage, I trust he is not drunk on power but just showing daddy yanky Somalia is here and here to remain.


Forza Somalia!
This is why I have always liked the Republicans over the Democrats, America has no business involving itself in Somalia internal affairs and politics, this is act of unprecedented aggression by a super power towards a country recovering from failed state status.
stop taking aid money from them