US, UK, Qatar, Turkey and UAE committed to support Somalia’s efforts to meet benchmarks on weapons & ammunition management to enable lift arms control



Major diplomatic wins being racked up by HSM’s government.

Arms embargo has already been weakened as Somalia’s international security partners are allowed to arm partner forces like Danab, Gorgor, newly UAE Eritrean trained division with heavy weaponary. For the rest of SNA however there’ll need to be further reforms so these arms don’t end up in clan militias or Al-Shabaab hands.





VOA Interview with Defence Minister.

Talks about the arms transported by the Americans, lifting of parts of the arms embargo, reform by the SNA and why remaining arms controls should be lifted, the operations against Shabaab are in rural areas around recently captured cities, where Shabaab are hiding in wholes/tunnels, rejects SL’s claim that SNA are involved in Laascaanood


The State Darawiish need to also be armed and empowered at the same time to maintain the central vs periphery balance of power. We don’t want a repeat of the Kacaan and their endless massacres
About time, Ammunation is Important but so are the heavy weapons that can push alshabaab way from cities.

The fight in the future that will take place in Jilib will be a tough one, but with weapons like these the Government has a good chance to take the area without alot of casualties.


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