US supports AU condemnation of illegal extension

How NN bots welcomed the IGAD Statement yesterday just because it didn’t say Sept 17
How NN bots welcomed the IGAD Statement yesterday just because it didn’t say Sept 17 View attachment 181464
Nothing going to happen the extenstion is still going to go through the us and Igad have bad amnesia when it comes to Uganda and djbouti there not going to do a damn thing but I'm wondering what the US is geting out of this


I stand corrected, humbly accept my L, but stop celebrating these bantus and foreigners saxib they hate you as much as they hate me:damedamn:
I stand corrected, humbly accept my L, but stop celebrating these bantus and foreigners saxib they hate you as much as they hate me:damedamn:

I don’t know what else you expected to happen once the president went away from the 17th sept agreement.

the key was to clearly explain why and who was holding up the elections. Make sure an agreement was reached (even if it took going to uae with dani and to Kenya with madobe) and negotiate directly with them.

threat of 1m1v would have been enough to get over the finish line for the 17th agreement and then get ready for elections.

it was such a big open goal and I am still shocked farmaajo went for it.

