US State Dept call on Rooble and Farmaajo to hold elections ASAP

Call for Somalia’s President and Prime Minister to Resolve Dispute and Complete Elections​

Cooperation among Somalia’s leaders – particularly President Farmaajo and Prime Minister Roble – is essential to ensure that the country quickly completes its ongoing electoral process. The dispute between President Farmaajo and Prime Minister Roble risks complicating this process and needs to be resolved immediately and peacefully.

The United States welcomes both sides’ stated commitment to the electoral process but remains concerned that these elections are already months behind schedule. Any further delay increases the potential for violence and plays into the hands of al-Shabaab and other extremist groups seeking to destabilize the country.

Based on our shared interest to ensure the electoral process moves forward, we call on the President and the Prime Minister to avoid further provocative statements or actions and to resolve their disagreement over personnel appointments and their respective authorities peacefully. Rapidly completing the electoral process will help advance the country’s counter-terrorism agenda and give the next government the opportunity to meet the needs of Somalia’s people.  Somalia’s citizens deserve nothing less.


Always days/weeks late. Clueless administration.

PM Roble has already expedited the election schedule. Hirshabelle is concluding Upper House elections after months of infighting, PM Roble put to an end Farmaajo’s chaos in the State. FIET announced Sep 4th the Lower House elections process and schedule.

PM Roble has also reconciled Somaliland’s electoral disputes.


Nobody takes the white man serious anymore, ever since Farmaajo many whites have been kicked out and humiliated, Somalia is up on the rise again, Rooble is just a little hurdle, he is like a creepy guy who sneaked into a private party, the bouncers are already on his case.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Nobody takes the white man serious anymore, ever since Farmaajo many whites have been kicked out and humiliated, Somalia is up on the rise again, Rooble is just a little hurdle, he is like a creepy guy who sneaked into a private party, the bouncers are already on his case.
He needs to be removed ASAP his meeting today with 30 jir and Kate Foster UK Safiir confirmed to me he is 100% compromised


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