US: Somalia on right track in bid to have arms embargo lifted

I was online in somnet back then u dummy.

On November 13, the President of Puntland, General Adde Musa led 50 battlewagons to Galkayo to confront the Islamists.

You keep mentioning places where shabaab was nowhere near, Shabaab waxaa kaa difaace wiilal HG ah adiga iyo mareexaanba, Mareexaan ayaaba kaa roon oo arkay inee dan ugu jirto inuu diriro balse adigu Hobyo iyo Gaalkacyo baad afka ku heysaa oo shabaab weligiis imaan.


True Puntlander
@FBIsomalia the way these guy twist 'events' which we even have 'reports' for is amazing. HG helping PL? loooooooool, it's always the other way around. Cade sent 50 technicos to defend 'sacad' from falling to ICU, not PL.

Now he brags about dahir aways who came into Bari thru 'abtinimo' card. The amazing 'twist' he does. Now it's Puntites again in Hobyo HELPING HIM from falling. Then he twists this all around about some 'fictional HG' defence buffer saving us from shabaab looooooool
The problem is history is written. Those they mention no one will pay it.


@Abdisamad the International community must ensure any easing of the embargo must not go centrally to 1 group(the sfg) but across all the regions to achieve an 'equilibrium' and ensure no1 has an 'edge' weapon wise. I also urge the weapon capability needs to be carefully selected, I think tanks-artilleries should be the 'cap' and possibly 'drones' but much 'later' once they proven their not 'zuumalis' and use the little upgrades for clan conflict not knowing the 'equiliburium' leads nothing more then a stalemate, a senseless and no purpose war.


@Abdisamad the International community must ensure any easing of the embargo must not go centrally to 1 group(the sfg) but across all the regions to achieve an 'equilibrium' and ensure no1 has an 'edge' weapon wise. I also urge the weapon capability needs to be carefully selected, I think tanks-artilleries should be the 'cap' and possibly 'drones' but much 'later' once they proven their not 'zuumalis' and use the little upgrades for clan conflict not knowing the 'equiliburium' leads nothing more then a stalemate, a senseless and no purpose war.
Constitution is clear, the defence policy is FGS remit.

We can’t have each FMS buying tanks. The condition on the FGS will be to be the sole handler of such equipment and for the SNA not to sell or lose weapons to armed factions


Constitution is clear, the defence policy is FGS remit.

We can’t have each FMS buying tanks. The condition on the FGS will be to be the sole handler of such equipment and for the SNA not to sell or lose weapons to armed factions

The SFG manages 'external' security no-one discussed what type of weapons they will have, since their no external threat at the border, it requires less weapons posture to convince our neighbors were not a threat. The internal security needs big weapons and that's not the SFG jurisdiction. Plus the constitution doesn't involve PL at all, it's separate entity that created the SFG


The SFG manages 'external' security no-one discussed what type of weapons they will have, since their no external threat, it requires less weapons. The internal security needs big weapons and that's not the SFG jurisdiction. Plus the constitution doesn't involve PL at all, it's separate entity that created the SFG
Part of the FGS’s job will have to be to make sure illicit arms do not come into Somalia hence this means FGS needs to strip and search equipment coming into Bosaso. Currently a lot of illegal arms come into this port. The US pointed this out in one of the past security councils and has sanctioned Bosaso traders.

I highly doubt the Security council will make this even worse by allowing FMS’s to ship in heavy weapons. It’ll be restricted to the FGS. Divisions like Danab, Gorgor and the new UAE troops imo


@bidenkulaha u seem to think the constitution n SFG represents all FMS, it doesn't only those born after the constitution was drafted, South Central Somalia. Once u follow the constitution within those areas, then it's all u guys n PL discussing about our relationship. We will 'adopt' two system 1 nation policy like China/Hong Kong. Let the rest of Somalia be the mainland and PL be the hong kong a separate and distinct entity. We will hold this model for 99 years and review if it's still suitable or if we merge with the rest of the federation based on local/geopolitical conditions of the day. We will hold interval ONCE in a generation(review) 25 year blocs to discuss continuing the 2 system 1 nation policy or merging.


@bidenkulaha empowering 1 side will lead to conflict and instability and the SFG is 1 side only. Why wud the world support another 'siyad barre to emerge' from somalia, nice logic. Federation and loose one is the only thing the world should support for it's own safety and for somali ppl safety as it provides a check n balance.

U stand on no ground but 'calacaal' u will get laughed out at any real debate on federalism by somalis n foreigners that's why ur 'stalling' on constitution as u think some 'messiah' will emerge for u, which it wont. Federalism is damn perfect and no 1 is gonna be an abboooo siyad. Keep stalling keep calacaal keep thinking u will be abbo siyad only proves ur 'slave hawiye who copies darod'


@bidenkulaha federalism a very loose one with a ceremonial center is fundamentally sound considering somalia civil war factors(no emerging dictatorship and central point of collapse and conflict over presidency, Economic discrimination), it provides check n balances, it re-ensures safety for region and world.

There is no messiah or stalling will change a system that is fundamentally sound. It will remain fundamentally sound now and 100 years from now, so your wasting ppl time by trying to change it to another 'darod system' abbo siyad, u prove ur a slave of darod at all times, u never bring shit boy, we brought SYL like we did ABBO SIYAD, FEDERALISM, PLUS SYL.

U guys never contribute or create shit, wax kasto is BROUGHT TO U
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@Abdisamad the International community must ensure any easing of the embargo must not go centrally to 1 group(the sfg) but across all the regions to achieve an 'equilibrium' and ensure no1 has an 'edge' weapon wise. I also urge the weapon capability needs to be carefully selected, I think tanks-artilleries should be the 'cap' and possibly 'drones' but much 'later' once they proven their not 'zuumalis' and use the little upgrades for clan conflict not knowing the 'equiliburium' leads nothing more then a stalemate, a senseless and no purpose war.
I'm not knowledgable about the Somali constitution bro, but each federal state having it's army doesn't make any sense to me.. It's better to have an all inclusive Somali army who's strong well trained and who's representative of all member states, otherwise we might as well go our separate ways.


I'm not knowledgable about the Somali constitution bro, but each federal state having it's army doesn't make any sense to me.. It's better to have an all inclusive Somali army who's strong well trained and who's representative of all member states, otherwise we might as well go our separate ways.

A separation of security makes sense to me becuz they can be measured against each other unlike centralizing them, the PSF outcomes on terrorism is high success rate with their constant foiling of attacks, that shows the rest of the security agencies need to follow in their experience, with 'hamar' security agencies the worst n most corrupt and 'very low calibre' capabilities(20 year old general odowa) hundreds of bombs go off in hamar n assasinations so whats the point of funding these goons anymore. Plus centralizing leads to one collapse so from a security stand point, that's the worst outcome.


@Abdisamad the amount of attacks(assasinations n bombs) in hamar proves their security agency needs to be dismantled, gutted, and replaced. It simply makes no sense to keep funding a failing unit to do it's job. Plus the security situation only reflects how the rest of the govt operations is like, it's the WORST bro. Hence HAGS need to adopt the HOTO approach and stop wasting somali ppl time.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
I'm not knowledgable about the Somali constitution bro, but each federal state having it's army doesn't make any sense to me.. It's better to have an all inclusive Somali army who's strong well trained and who's representative of all member states, otherwise we might as well go our separate ways.
My brother, such think will never exist. You can never trust irir. I don't think it will be lifted anytime soon and I hope for a long time.
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