US: Somalia on right track in bid to have arms embargo lifted


Russia or China could veto it.


Unlikely. They always vote for lifting it. Russia and China would likely be the one’s we buy arms from as they provide cheap arms to unstable states and haven’t got the same legal issues the US would have. So it’s in their interest.

The issue is usually the US, then U.K. (on behalf of SL) and France whatever is needed at the time.

However the last security council when they extended it for a year came with conditions Somalia needs to complete and relaxed it by allowing international partners with SNA divisions to access heavy weaponry. As long as we’re meeting these conditions and reforming the army in a way that the US can trust then we’re on the right track.

It looks like with the US now seeming to be for arms embargo being lifted the U.K. and France will fall in line. US is desperate to get ahead of China dominating Somalia right now. So doing it under under a supportive Somali government is critical.
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I doubt it at this point, Somalia will inshallah be able to import tanks and mine clearing capabilities,

A few of these tanks with some troops will clean up Alshabaab

View attachment 262143

U need mine clearing for IED plus anti-tank armoury to counter RPG hitting it. Any weapons bought must take into account what shabab has so what the SFG purchases must counter it. That will only deal with one of shababs modus operandi, u need more in intelligence then actual army becuz shabab gains more from that then conventional war.




Mutinous contingents of the Somali Army block roads in Mogadishu to oppose presidential term extension proposed by the federal parliament in 2021.

Mogadishu (PP Editorial) — Thirty two years the state collapsed in Somalia. The primary cause of the state failure was a failure to plan for a violent regime change on the part or change-seekers. Somalia is awash with arms the military regime left behind supplemented by arms smuggled into Somalia by waring factions during 1990s and noughties.

The suggestion that lifting the arms embargo on Somalia will go a long way in defeating militant religious extremism ignores the exclusive nature of the Somali armed forces. There is no a national consensus on the security architecture proposed in London in 2017. In Northern Somalia a civil war is raging; the legacy of dispossessions and the plight of marginalised Somali social groups (aka the Fifth Clan) point to a commitment to upholding the ways of the warlords— fiefdoms ruled by clan militias in the state payroll.

Somalia is a country whose national government is deemed to be incapable of guaranteeing security in its territories. That is why the UN Secretary General António Guterres several times alluded to the global threat from Somalia to which ATMIS is responding.

Somalia is still a politically divided nation state. Parallel arms and paramilitaries operate in different regions. The solution to this security puzzle does not lie in sugarcoating political challenges that resulted from state collapse and remain unaddressed to date.

Some donor countries are promoting in Somalia a stealth return to warlordism to keep Somalia in perpetual dependency on ATMIS. The key requirements for lifting arms embargo on Somalia should include political consensus verifiable through objective assessments on important milestones such as inclusive security forces at federal government level and at sub-national entity level, and guidelines that make security forces less vulnerable to being misused by the incumbent leaders.

Without a political consensus on Somali security forces and how they operate, the distrust among political stakeholders will deepen. In such an atmosphere weapons and ammunitions will fall into the wrong hands. Much political legwork needs to be done before Somali political leaders entertain the idea of lifting the arms embargo on Somalia. The interest of the West to contain the threat of transnational terrorism should be aligned with the national interest of Somalia to protect Somalia citizens against politicians whose primary goal is to arm their clans for a possible second round of an internecine civil war. There is no a strong case for lifting the arms embargo on Somalia.

© Puntland Post, 2023


I doubt it at this point, Somalia will inshallah be able to import tanks and mine clearing capabilities,

A few of these tanks with some troops will clean up Alshabaab

View attachment 262143
This is overkill for Shabaab lol. These guys flee from every front.

We defo need mine clearing capabilities and we need aircraft to transport quickly and have air support for infantry.

We need a mobile SNA basically. We should be able to build big bases across the country and then dispatch them quickly within hours into a tuulo that is controlled by Shabaab.


This is overkill for Shabaab lol. These guys flee from every front.

We defo need mine clearing capabilities and we need aircraft to transport quickly and have air support for infantry.

We need a mobile SNA basically. We should be able to build big bases across the country and then dispatch them quickly within hours into a tuulo that is controlled by Shabaab.

To deal with shabab security wise u need two pillars. Conventional and Non conventional(insurgency), how u spread your resources out will be dependent on the quality of your general which is 'very low' I mean their some who became general and only 30 loooool, I wouldn't risk my life to join such SNA, such incompetence, that's why shabab makes a mockery of the SNA but never Puntland or Amisom. Why? cuz you can't musuqmasuq 'general and other important' roles, ppl lives/money are on the line.


To deal with shabab security wise u need two pillars. Conventional and Non conventional(insurgency), how u spread your resources out will be dependent on the quality of your general which is 'very low' I mean their some who became general and only 30 loooool, I wouldn't risk my life to join such SNA, such incompetence, that's why shabab makes a mockery of the SNA but never Puntland or Amisom. Why? cuz you can't masuqmasuq 'general and other important' roles, ppl lives/money are on the line.
No, SL and PL haven’t got anything special in terms of security forces. You can see how innefective the massive security spending SL has in Laascaanood despite them being up against a few militias with light weaponry.

The truth is that PL benefits from being bordered by a strong clan like hg who can fight Shabaab on their own. Shabaab’s first defeat was in Dhusamareb and Guriceel when the South completely fell and they wanted to push in to central Somalia. Had you instead be bordered by Murusade, Xawadle or other clans that were under Shabaab at the time and they sent all their forces from the South I doubt you would’ve not suffered from Shabaab control in PL.

There’s too many diverse clans in South Somalia. Shabaab has a massive pool of minority clans to conscript from and those clans can’t say no.


No, SL and PL haven’t got anything special in terms of security forces. You can see how innefective the massive security spending SL has in Laascaanood despite them being up against a few militias with light weaponry.

The truth is that PL benefits from being bordered by a strong clan like hg who can fight Shabaab on their own. Shabaab’s first defeat was in Dhusamareb and Guriceel when the South completely fell and they wanted to push in to central Somalia. Had you instead be bordered by Murusade, Xawadle or other clans that were under Shabaab at the time and they sent all their forces from the South I doubt you would’ve not suffered from Shabaab control in PL.

There’s too many diverse clans in South Somalia. Shabaab has a massive pool of minority clans to conscript from and those clans can’t say no.

Your SNA strategy of getting a 'tech edge' on shabab only proves SNA is incompetent to deal with shabab current 'tech' which is not any different to SNA. A good general can win without needing a tech edge, it's about his experience in the battle, his strategy to keep his losses low and enemy high and securing supply routes. It's not 'genius' level work, u don't even collect 'intel' from each battle to review shabab operation, u don't collect intel on anything SNA does, so your like blind-man in each battle as your not learning from the past.

As for PL, every Somalis know shabab fears them so much they hide in 'mountains' not in the open in cities,villages, towns like GM. PL has strong level of expertise due it's military and intelligence is about 'quality' not just naming any idiot general or commander becuz the soldiers will lose moral and not trust them and therefore their operations will be effected.
Your SNA strategy of getting a 'tech edge' on shabab only proves SNA is incompetent to deal with shabab current 'tech' which is not any different to SNA. A good general can win without needing a tech edge, it's about his experience in the battle, his strategy to keep his losses low and enemy high and securing supply routes. It's not 'genius' level work, u don't even collect 'intel' from each battle to review shabab operation, u don't collect intel on anything SNA does, so your like blind-man in each battle as your not learning from the past.

As for PL, every Somalis know shabab fears them so much they hide in 'mountains' not in the open in cities,villages, towns like GM. PL has strong level of expertise due it's military and intelligence is about 'quality' not just naming any idiot general or commander becuz the soldiers will lose moral and not trust them and therefore their operations will be effected.
Lol. Had Guriceel and Dhuusamareeb not stopped Alshabaab who were at their strongest during that time today Awdal would have had some eelaay amir. Be grateful you have a buffer from the real Shabaab force.


Puntites are to smart to buy into shabab or icu or any other name it calls itself, 'they self elected themselves in small rooms' that alone makes a puntite say u ain't fooling us with ur holy nonsense of being 'elected by god', while disregarding the whole somali ppl system recognized by muslim n gaaal. Their successful in the south due to the 'IQS' being lower. Shabab is just smoke-screen for 'dawlad diids n looting interests' nothing else.
Puntites are to smart to buy into shabab or icu or any other name it calls itself, 'they self elected themselves in small rooms' that alone makes a puntite say u ain't fooling us with ur holy nonsense of being 'elected by god', while disregarding the whole somali ppl system recognized by muslim n gaaal. Their successful in the south due to the 'IQS' being lower. Shabab is just smoke-screen for 'dawlad diids n looting interests' nothing else.
ICU was stopped by Sacad in Bandiiradley before they reached you.
Shabaab/ICU round two was stopped by Ceyr before reaching you.
for the next 13 years, Ceyr fought shabaab spreading them thin.
in 2021 Wisil saw a deadly fight against shabaab expansion again Sacad quelled them.
If shabaab broke these fronts they would easily overrun Cumar qoyane and whatever falls behind it including your 'rooms' and its results. PL which has seen relative stability is unable to clear 10 shabaab and isis in their mountains for nearly 15 years. You don't have a higher IQ you just have a weak heart and brave neighbours. Mahadnaqa hala daahin or Aweys would have made a sweet comeback in Bari had we not stopped him.


ICU was stopped by Sacad in Bandiiradley before they reached you.
Shabaab/ICU round two was stopped by Ceyr before reaching you.
for the next 13 years, Ceyr fought shabaab spreading them thin.
in 2021 Wisil saw a deadly fight against shabaab expansion again Sacad quelled them.
If shabaab broke these fronts they would easily overrun Cumar qoyane and whatever falls behind it including your 'rooms' and its results. PL which has seen relative stability is unable to clear 10 shabaab and isis in their mountains for nearly 15 years. You don't have a higher IQ you just have a weak heart and brave neighbours. Mahadnaqa hala daahin or Aweys would have made a sweet comeback in Bari had we not stopped him.

@FBIsomalia the way these guy twist 'events' which we even have 'reports' for is amazing. HG helping PL? loooooooool, it's always the other way around. Cade sent 50 technicos to defend 'sacad' from falling to ICU, not PL.

Now he brags about dahir aways who came into Bari thru 'abtinimo' card. The amazing 'twist' he does. Now it's Puntites again in Hobyo HELPING HIM from falling. Then he twists this all around about some 'fictional HG' defence buffer saving us from shabaab looooooool


@Gaban shabab cannot enter any town-village-city in PL, as u admitted yourself their in 'mountains', even america gave up on taliban in mountains, but PL won't. We smoke them any-time intel is recieved on their activities. But u my friend, shabab controls you in 'openly accessible' towns, it's puntland saving u constantly from falling. And it's marehan who u rely on thru your ahlul sunnah crap in dhusomareeb.
@FBIsomalia the way these guy twist 'events' which we even have 'reports' for is amazing. HG helping PL? loooooooool, it's always the other way around. Cade sent 50 technicos to defend 'sacad' from falling to ICU, not PL.

Now he brags about dahir aways who came into Bari thru 'abtinimo' card. The amazing 'twist' he does. Now it's Puntites again in Hobyo HELPING HIM from falling. Then he twists this all around about some 'fictional HG' defence buffer saving us from shabaab looooooool
Show me proof that PL gave 50 technicals beenlow yahow kkkk
Puntites are in Hobyo, is shabaab in hobyo or anywhere near it you retard?
Aweys went into PL through abtinimo?? His abtis are not majeerteen yaa been usheege
@Gaban shabab cannot enter any town-village-city in PL, as u admitted yourself their in 'mountains', even america gave up on taliban in mountains, but PL won't. We smoke them any-time intel is recieved on their activities. But u my friend, shabab controls you in 'openly accessible' towns, it's puntland saving u constantly from falling. And it's marehan who u rely on thru your ahlul sunnah crap in dhusomareeb.
maxaa been isku sheegte kkkkk.


Show me proof that PL gave 50 technicals beenlow yahow kkkk
Puntites are in Hobyo, is shabaab in hobyo or anywhere near it you retard?
Aweys went into PL through abtinimo?? His abtis are not majeerteen yaa been usheege

I was online in somnet back then u dummy.

On November 13, the President of Puntland, General Adde Musa led 50 battlewagons to Galkayo to confront the Islamists.

ICU was stopped by Sacad in Bandiiradley before they reached you.
Shabaab/ICU round two was stopped by Ceyr before reaching you.
for the next 13 years, Ceyr fought shabaab spreading them thin.
in 2021 Wisil saw a deadly fight against shabaab expansion again Sacad quelled them.
If shabaab broke these fronts they would easily overrun Cumar qoyane and whatever falls behind it including your 'rooms' and its results. PL which has seen relative stability is unable to clear 10 shabaab and isis in their mountains for nearly 15 years. You don't have a higher IQ you just have a weak heart and brave neighbours. Mahadnaqa hala daahin or Aweys would have made a sweet comeback in Bari had we not stopped him.
For context for the other readers, this is what happened to PL 'elected in rooms' officials last time Aweys was in PL as Per saqraan Geesdiir aka Afhayeenka PL.