US President has signed an order authorising hundreds of US special forces to be sent back to Somalia according to the New York Times


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I want Somalia to be a colony of the U.S. or another western country. They are not capable to running their country and need western expertise and guidance.
this is good. amisom wants to keep status quo if the americans come kebab is finished
Lool is that why they're still in Iraq, Syria, Okinawa, South Korea etc? Sxb there's a war on resources going on in the world and Somalia presented itself on the menu. PL and SL were both owned by UAE south Somalia was our only hope left.


I want Somalia to be a colony of the U.S. or another western country. They are not capable to running their country and need western expertise and guidance.
The West already runs somalia and this is the result.
Your somali citizenship should be revoked, you betrayed your country and people with your anti somali statements


Somalia is flat land. Taliban is impossible defeat. Al-Shabaab with their measly 7,000 soldiers isn’t
If they Yankees wanted they could destroy them with drones, but they also hit civilians and al shaydaan is still powerful. Maybe they don't actually want to finish them off because they like chaos in somalia


Then why are they still here? 80000 well armed foreigners with superiority can't defeat 7000 malnourished niggas with AKs and sandals? The theatrics isn't working no more.
Because there’s no police. You don’t hold a country the size of Somalia without indigenous police force. We can’t afford that so can’t keep Al-Shabaab out of the territory we capture.

We need to become an American client state and get billions annually and we could then easily rid them


Because there’s no police. You don’t hold a country the size of Somalia without indigenous police force. We can’t afford that so can’t keep Al-Shabaab out of the territory we capture.

We need to become an American client state and get billions annually and we could then easily rid them
You don't know what you are talking about. The American led international community is holding us under an arms embargo that prevents us from getting heavy weapons to fight the terrosists al shaydaan. America would never give us billions, they don't have an interest in Somalia's stabilization otherwise they would have done so many years ago.


America came to occupy and fight Aidiid. Now they come to cooperate
How are they cooperating?, They have been involved in Somalia since the 90s and nothing good came out of it. Please I'm open to changing my mind, tell me ONE country in Africa or the middle east that benefited from American involvement in their issues. Just one


How are they cooperating?, They have been involved in Somalia since the 90s and nothing good came out of it. Please I'm open to changing my mind, tell me ONE country in Africa or the middle east that benefited from American involvement in their issues. Just one

They’ve made mistakes 100% but those African/Middle Eastern countries doomed themselves with incompetent dictators.